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Contract Parking Enforcement Services <br />March 4, 2025 <br />Page 3 <br />4 <br />8 <br />7 <br />8 <br />State of California’s Community Caretaking Doctrine when addressing the impounding <br />of vehicles. In addition to ensuring a valid vehicle impound and storage authority as <br />identified in the California Vehicle Code, the State mandates (effective January 2019) <br />that a peace officer or other authorized person cannot tow or impound vehicles (a <br />warrantless seizures of property) unless the impound or storage also meets the <br />Community Caretaking Doctrine, which consist of the three justifications listed below: <br /> <br />•Vehicle is parked in such a manner that it is blocking the normal flow of traffic. <br />•Prevent a theft of contents or vandalism. The Parking Control Officer must <br />believe the property inside the vehicle is threatened and impound action is <br />required to protect the owner’s property from theft or vandalism. There must be <br />“Reasonable belief”, meaning another Parking Control Officer faced with the <br />same circumstances would conclude that action was required. <br />•Protect the public: Objective, specific, and articulable facts that lead the Parking <br />Control Officer to believe that the vehicle poses a safety hazard to the public. <br />Example: car is burnt, leaking battery fluid, blocking access to a fire <br />hydrant/alley. <br />The following table includes an estimated total cost should the City opt to discontinue <br />contracting for these services and add full-time positions to the Police Department <br />budget to provide the same service levels as LAZ: <br /> <br />Description Annual Cost <br />(1) Senior Parking Control Officer $ 114,978 <br />(7) Parking Control Officers 744,968 <br />(8) Vehicles – one-time purchase 541,184 <br />Vehicle Maintenance 85,152 <br />Fuel/Gas 28,000 <br />Uniforms and Vest 18,560 <br />Total $1,532,842 <br />Staff estimates an initial first year cost of $1,532,842. Subsequent year budgets will be <br />reduced by the exclusion of the vehicle purchase costs and the vests issued to the new <br />positions. However, annual salary step increases, new premiums, and any negotiated <br />raises by the bargaining group will increase the cost of the full-time positions and impact <br />the annual total cost. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with this action.