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FY24-25 Mid-Year Budget Update, Appropriation Requests, and Workforce Changes <br />March 4,2025 <br />Page 13 <br />4 <br />8 <br />6 <br />7 <br />The compensation changes will create internal equity between similar engineering <br />classifications in the City between the Public Works Agency and the Planning and <br />Building Agency. <br />Five classifications are being merged into two classifications to create fewer and more <br />effective classifications to meet the needs of the Accounting Division of the Finance and <br />Management Services Agency (FMSA). The classification title changes seek to <br />standardize, ensure uniformity, and modernize classification titles as used internally and <br />in outside agencies. These changes will help ensure the City’s classification and <br />compensation plan provides equitable compensation, utilizes appropriately titled <br />classifications, and remains competitive with both, internal classifications and those of <br />comparable external agencies, ultimately enhancing the City’s recruitment and retention <br />efforts. Classification and compensation proposed changes are detailed in Exhibit 2. <br />The following are proposed workforce changes for full-time positions as detailed in Exhibit <br />3. <br />City Manager’s Office <br />•The City Manager’s Office is requesting to reallocate an Administrative <br />Receptionist to an Executive Assistant. An Executive Assistant provides more <br />sophisticated activities to support and balance City Councilmembers’ requests, as <br />well as administrative support to the Deputy City Manager and Assistant City <br />Managers. <br />Human Resources (HR) <br />•Currently, the Human Resources department has a Management Analyst <br />underfilling the Senior Organizational Development and Training (OD&T) Analyst <br />position. HR is requesting a new Management Analyst position to retain the current <br />Management Analyst and allow the Senior OD&T Analyst position to be filled <br />accordingly. The Management Analyst is essential for managing the department’s <br />budgets, contracts, and Public Records Requests, while the Senior OD&T Analyst <br />is critical for expanding training, coaching, and recognition programs that support <br />employee growth and the City’s commitment to innovation and professional <br />development. A portion of HR’s General Fund part-time salaries budget will be <br />used to fully fund the additional Management Analyst position, resulting in a net <br />zero fiscal impact for this request. <br />Finance and Management Services Agency (FMSA) <br />•The purpose of the reallocation from an Accounts Payable (AP) Technician to a <br />Senior Accounting Assistant is to differentiate an experienced AP Technician from <br />an entry-level. This position, like other Senior Accounting Assistants in FMSA, <br />performs duties that require the application of specialized knowledge and skills <br />gained only through experience with the City.