FY24-25 Mid-Year Budget Update, Appropriation Requests, and Workforce Changes
<br />March 4,2025
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<br />General Fund Expenditures
<br />A summary of General Fund expenditures follows.
<br />With the fiscal year now halfway complete, current year expenditures are tracking very
<br />close to FY23-24 with a total of $195,471,672 or 47%. In comparison, the City had
<br />expended $196,707,044 with 47.1% this time last year. Non-Departmental expenditures
<br />are approaching 60% of the budget, due to higher than anticipated litigation expenses.
<br />Staff may return at the Third Quarter Budget Update scheduled for May with a request to
<br />increase appropriations if the current pace of spending continues. PRCSA’s expenditure
<br />budget appears to be tracking higher, only because carry forward adjustments are not
<br />reflected in this analysis. Once carry forward adjustments are incorporated, PRCSA’s
<br />spending aligns more closely with other departments. Due to the revenue reductions
<br />described previously in this report, staff is utilizing a combination of one-time funds and a
<br />handful of expenditure reductions to remain balanced. The use of one-time funds will
<br />leave less on the table for the FY2025-26 (FY25-26) budget allocation process. The
<br />discussion below explains those recommended adjustments as proposed in Exhibit 1.
<br />Alley Improvements
<br />In FY21-22, during the First Quarter Budget Report, a $1.5 million recurring budget
<br />allocation was added for Alley Improvements to address several years of deferred
<br />maintenance. This funding was made possible by continued increases in sales tax
<br />revenue, specifically from Measure X. However, due to reductions in estimated sales tax
<br />revenues for this fiscal year, staff recommends reducing this allocation by $1.4 million to
<br />rebalance the budget. The most recently approved construction contract for alley
<br />De partme nt
<br /> Annual Budge t
<br />Updated with 1st Qtr
<br />Spe nding as of
<br />12/31/2024 % Expe nde d
<br />City Attorney 4,500,350 1,941,644 43.1%
<br />City Clerk 1,934,570 591,414 30.6%
<br />City Council 1,043,970 382,971 36.7%
<br />City Manager 3,963,160 1,708,733 43.1%
<br />Community Development 4,327,760 1,727,810 39.9%
<br />Financ e & Mgm t Services 13,268,160 6,072,919 45.8%
<br />Fire & Emergency Medic al Svc s ⁵57,837,370 32,681,193 56.5%
<br />General Non-Departmental 38,543,830 20,891,635 54.2%
<br />Hum an Res ourc es 4,393,370 1,641,209 37.4%
<br />Inter-Fund Transfers 19,363,180 7,940,690 41.0%
<br />Library 8,347,033 3,984,109 47.7%
<br />Museum Funding 1,715,320 857,807 50.0%
<br />Parks, Rec reation & Comm Svcs 15,008,008 8,601,361 57.3%
<br />Planning & Building 18,731,210 8,904,562 47.5%
<br />Police 162,545,030 77,456,401 47.7%
<br />Public W orks 59,275,530 20,087,215 33.9%
<br />T otal Ge ne ral Fund Expe nditure s⁴414,797,851 195,471,672 47.1%
<br />⁵Fire & Emergency Medic al Services includes an one-month advance.
<br />⁴Inc ludes all Appropriation Adjustments through Dec em ber 31, 2024, with the exception of Carry Forwards .