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4 Planning Commission <br />1 /27/2025 <br />Public comment was received in opposition to the project due to after-hours. <br />Resident, Manuel Fiz, raised concerns regarding the after-hours. <br />Moved by Commissioner Escamilla, seconded by Commissioner <br />Benninger to Approved as amended. <br />YES: 5 — Isuri Ramos, Alan Woo, Christopher Leo, Manuel J. Escamilla, Carl <br />Benninger <br />NO: 0 — ABSTAIN: 1 —Jennifer Oliva <br />ABSENT: 1 — Bao Pham <br />Status: 5-0-1 —1 —Pass <br />2. MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2019-19 <br />AND VARIANCE NO. 2019-02, FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED <br />AT 1800 NORTH BUSH STREET LOCATED WITHIN THE <br />PROFESSIONAL (P) ZONING DISTRICT <br />Project Applicant: Christina Meshreky (Applicant) representing DNJ C <br />Properties, LLC (Property Owner) <br />Proposed Project: The applicant is seeking approval to modify Conditional <br />Use Permit No. 2019-19, allowing an increase in the number of adult day care <br />participants, from 40 to a maximum of 199 total occupants/individuals, including <br />participants and staff members, at an existing adult day care center (360 Adult <br />Day Care). Additionally, the applicant is requesting a modification of Variance No. <br />2019-02 to allow a reduction in the required parking spaces, resulting from a <br />change of use for the second -floor office space, from professional office to <br />medical office at the subject property. <br />Environmental Impact: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines, the project is exempt from further review <br />pursuant to Class 1, Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines. <br />Categorical Exemption ER No. 2017-35 will be filed for this project. <br />Recommended Action: <br />1. Adopt a resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-19- <br />MOD-1, as conditioned to allow for an increase in adult day care <br />participants and staff members. <br />2. Adopt a resolution approving Variance No. 2019-2-MOD-1, as <br />conditioned to allow for increased reduction in parking. <br />Minutes: Commission had questions for staff. <br />Staff answered questions from the Commission. <br />Commission had questions for the applicant. <br />Applicants, Regina & Christina, answered questions from the Commission. <br />Resident, Carolyn Witham, expressed her opposition to the project, stating that <br />the noise and refuse create a significant nuisance for her. <br />Resident, Barba Witham, expressed her opposition to the project, stating that the <br />noise is a nuisance for her. <br />