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Relocate cross-walk <br />St. Joseph ' s School <br /> <br />Eliminate midblock <br />crosswalk at Hoover <br />School ~% ~ <br /> <br />Reso. No. 56-264 <br />Establish green zone <br />Hoover School <br /> <br />Request <br />Standard Pressed <br />Steel Co. (over- <br />size driveways) <br /> <br />Request <br />M and S Mtce.& Const. <br />Over-size driveways <br /> <br />Reso. No. 56-265 <br />Elimination of mid-block <br />crosswalks at Jefferson <br />School et al <br /> <br />Re-assignment of <br />crossing guard at <br />Jefferson School <br /> <br />Resignation <br />Mayor Courtney R. <br />Chandler <br /> <br />Reso. No. 56-266 <br />Expressing the regret <br />of the City Council <br />at resignation of <br />Mayor Courtney R. <br />Chandler <br /> <br />On recommendation of the Traffic Engineer and on motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded <br /> <br />by Markel and carried, the relocation of the cross-w~lk on Lacy Street between <br /> <br />Stafford and Fruit Streets, for St. Joseph's School, was approved. <br /> <br />On recon~endation of the Traffic Engineer and on motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded <br /> <br />by Heinly and carried, the elimination of t~he mid-block crosswalk on Santa Clara <br /> <br />Avenue between French Street and Valencia Avenue, at the Hoover School, was approved <br /> <br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution, on motion of <br /> <br />Councilman Dab_l, seconded by Heinly and carried, the following Resolution entitled: <br /> <br />"Resolution No. 56-264 concerning parking limitations and curb <br />markings in accordauce therewith" <br /> <br />establishing a green zone on the south side of Santa Clara Avenuc, Le o~,cen Spurgeon <br /> <br />$~.__~*~-'..-'~ ~?. "~ailer~.~a-' Avenue, at the Hoover School, was considered and passsed by the <br /> <br />~ollo~,zno vote: <br /> <br />Aye s, Councilmen <br /> <br />Noes, Councilmen <br />Absent, Councilmen <br /> <br />Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden ~L%rkel, William Jerome, <br />Milford W. Dab_l, Courtney R. Chandler <br />None <br />None <br /> <br />On recommendation of the curb usage committee and on motion of Councilman Dahl, <br /> <br />seconded by Heinly and carried, the request of Standard Pressed Steel Company for tw <br /> Engineer <br />35 foot driveways on Harbor Boulevard, was granted~ subject to conditions of Traffic <br /> <br />Councilnmm J. Ogden Markel left the Council meeting at 10:O0 P.M. <br />" Maintenance and <br />On motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Jerome and carried, the M and S/Con- <br /> <br />struction was granted two 32 foot driveways on First Street and one 35 foot drive- <br /> <br />way on Daisy Street for the service station to be constructed for Vincent Ballester, <br />subject to the conditions as outlined in the recommendation of the Traffic Engineer. <br /> <br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution, on motion of <br /> <br />CounciLman Dahl, seconded by Heinly and carried, the following Resolution entitled: <br /> <br />"Resolution No. 56-265 concerning pedestrian crosswalks under <br />Ordinance No. 1030" <br /> <br />for the elimination of mid-block crosswalks at Jefferson School, St. Joseph's School <br /> <br />and Hoover School, was considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, Councilmen Dale H. Heinly, William Jerome, <br /> Milford W.Dshl, Courtney R. Chandler <br />Noes, Councilmen None <br />Absent, Councilmen J. Ogden ~rkel <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman D~d~l~ seconded by Heinly ~ud carried, that the crossing <br /> <br />guard assigned to the mid-block crossing on 17th Street be re-assigned to the Ross <br /> <br />Street intersection for. the Jefferson School. <br /> <br />Communication was read from ~ayor Courtney R. Chandler tendering his resignation as <br /> <br />Mayor and as a member of the City Council to be effective November 1st, 1956, and <br /> <br />on motion of Counciln~an Heinly, seconded by Dahl a~d carried, the communication was <br /> <br />received and filed. <br /> <br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution, on motion of <br /> <br />Councilman Dahl, seconded by Heinly and carried~ the following Resolution entitled: <br /> <br />"Resolution No. 56-266 expressing the regret of the City Council <br />at the resignation of Mayor Courtney R. Chandler and conm~ending <br />him for a job well done" <br /> <br />was considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, Councilmen Dale H. Heinly, Wil~m Jerome, <br /> RU_lford W. Dahl <br />Noes, Councilmen None <br />Absent, Councilmen J. Ogden Markel <br />Not Voting, Councilmen Courtney R. Chandler <br /> <br /> <br />