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JLC:ar <br />1/13/76 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, in order to provide for a more orderly flow of traffic <br />cn Seventeenth Street in the City of Ana it has becums necessary to widen <br />and improve said street fru~a l~ss Street to Olive Street. <br /> <br /> NOW, TH~KEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council of the <br />City of Santa Ana does hereby find and declare Lhat the public interest <br />and necessity require that in order to widen Seventeenth Street, between <br />Ross Street and Olive Street, the hereinbelow described real property be <br />~ondemned. <br /> <br />Legal Description A.P. 002-094-20 <br /> <br />PARCEL 1: <br /> <br />The Southerly 12.00 feet of the Easterly 25.00 feet <br />of Lot 26 of TraCt No. 748, in the City of Santa Ana, <br />as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 30, Page 9 <br />of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, <br />California. <br /> <br />PARCEL 2: <br /> <br />The Southerly 12.00 feet, measured at right angles <br />frcm the South line of the following described parcel: <br /> <br />All that portion of Lot 25 of Tract No. 748, in the <br />City of Santa Ana as shown on a map recorded in Book 30, <br />Page 9 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, <br />California, lying Westerly of the following described <br />line: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said <br />Lot 25, distant Easterly 41.00 feet frc~ the Southwest <br />corner of said Lot 25; thence Northerly on a direct/ <br />line to a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 25 <br />distant Easterly 39.42 feet frc~ the Northwest corner <br />of said Lot 25. <br /> <br />Legal Description A.P. 2-094-21 <br /> <br />pARC~T. 1: <br /> <br />That portion of Lot 24 of Tract No. 748, in the City <br />of Santa Ana, as shown on a map thereof recorded in <br />Book 30, Page 9, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said <br />Orange County, California, described as follc~cs: <br /> <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 24; <br />thence Easterly along the South line of said Lot 24, <br />a distance of 41.32 feet to the beginning of a tan- <br />gent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of <br />15 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said <br />curve through a central angle of 96°25'51'' an arc <br />distance of 25.25 feet to a point of conk~ound curva- <br />ture with a tangent curve c~ncave Westerly having a <br />radius of 505 feet, the radial to last said point <br />bears North 83033' 47" East; thence Northerly along <br />the arc of last said curve through a central angle <br />of 2°05'35" an arc distance of 18.45 feet to a point <br />of cusp with a tangent curve cc~cave Northwesterly <br />having a radius of 20.00 feet, the radial to <br /> <br /> <br />