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8 <br /> <br />Council Chamber <br />Santa Aha City Hall <br />August 18, 1958. 7,30 P.M. <br /> <br />City Council met in reg-l~ session. <br />Meeting called to order by the ~a~or. <br /> <br />Present: C ounc~lmsn <br /> <br />Absent-' Councilmen <br /> <br />Ru$~l E. Hubbard, Stanley 0. Gould, Jr., <br />A. A. Hall, Dale H. Heinly <br />J. Ogde~ U~kel <br /> <br />The Pledge of ~llegiance was given. <br /> <br />Invocation was given by Reverend Donald Parkinson of the <br />First United Presbyterian Church. <br /> <br />Each member of the Oity Council having received copies of the Minutes <br />of August 4, 1958, re~g of the Minutes was dispensed with and approved <br />en motim of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Hall and carried. <br /> <br />Bid Acceptance <br />Improved--ts on <br />Oak, Kilson, Hickory, <br />St.Andrew, et al <br />A. D. No. 199, <br />Reso. No. ~;8-198 <br />Awarding Contract <br /> <br />A tabulati~ of b'~d- was presented for the ~ .~U-ovemen~s on Oak, <br /> <br />St. Andrew Place~ et al in Assessment District No. 199, as follows: <br /> Total Bc~d <br /> ~riffith Cure, any, a Corporatic~ $21~.00 $22,000.00 <br /> 8~-~F-~Ill~ O(~l~A'aoting 0oo 184,8~o00 20,000.00 Cert.check <br /> CC= Bros. Gonstruction 0o. 223,292.50 10% <br /> <br />The Ma-~gsr reco~nded the low bid of $,,1%.v-4~iller Con~ract~-E Oc~par~ be accepted <br /> <br />at the unit prices sh~wn in the bid, tota!t-_m $18~,841.00. The Council having <br /> <br />una~ waived the reading of the Resolutien, on motion of Counci/man ~,~d, <br /> <br />seconded by Gould an~ carrisd~ the following Reasluttm entitled: <br /> <br />"Resolutic~ No. 58-198 of the City Council of the City of Santa Ama <br />a~arding contract to ~mprove St. Andre~ Place and other streets within <br />the City, in accordance with ~esolution of Intentio~ No. 58-151# <br /> <br />in Asasssmset District No. 199, to S~!y-Miller Contract~-~ Ccmpa~ in the total <br /> <br />amount of $184,841.00, was considered md passed by the following vote~ <br /> <br />Postpone Award of <br />Bid for cons truction <br />of West Ditch bet. EcLtnger <br />Street and Monta Vista Ave. <br />Project No. 29 <br /> <br />Bid Acceptance <br />Tractor-~rencher <br />Combination ,Spec. <br />No. 623-10 <br /> <br />AFee, Councilme~ Ruyal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr., A. A. Hall, <br /> Dale H. Heiuly <br />Noes, Counc~ 1.~-. None <br />Absent, Counc~l-~n J. Ogden t~kel <br /># <br /> <br />0n reco.=~-dati~ of the Manager and on motic~ of Councilman Hubt~rd, seconded <br /> <br />Gould and e~_,.ried~ the matter of the award of ~-~ bid for ~.he construction of the <br /> <br />Nest Ditch between Edinger Street and Monta Vista Avenue, Project No. 29, was <br /> <br />postponed un~il September 2, 19~8. <br />e of <br />A tabulation of bids was pre,anted for the f~rni~hqnE/o~le Tractor-ta-enohel- O(~/na- <br /> <br />tion, per Specificatic~ 623-10, as follows: <br /> <br />Harro~ Rickard & McOc~ Co. <br />Cook Bros. Ccnstructien Mach/nery Co. <br />McCoy Motor O~an~ Tractor Division <br />Wallace Tractor Sales <br /> <br /> Total <br /> <br />8,786 <br />7,~56.82 <br />7,807.00 <br /> <br />On recc~w=~ndation ofth~ committee and en motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded <br /> <br />by Hall and carried, the low bid of McCoy Motor Compar~ T~actor Division, in the <br /> <br />Bid Acceptance <br />Street Lighting Equipment <br />North ~ Street, Spec. <br /> 6 - Lt,\ <br /> <br />sum of $7~6.82, was accepted and all other bids rejected. <br /> <br />A tab-l,tion of bids was presented for the furnish~,,_~, of street lighting equl?~-t <br /> <br />to be used on Project No. 102, North Hain Street, per Specificatic~ 642-5, as <br /> <br />follows <br /> <br /> Iteal <br />Pacific Union Metal Conpan~ ~-77 <br />Jce],vn Pacific Co. No bid <br />Electric Supplies Distributing 7,452-79 <br />C .~peny of Santa <br /> <br />Item2 ~.60 ~.40 <br />~ 3,129.60 No bid <br />2,191.20 3,009.60 1,~47.~0 <br /> <br />On recommendation of the cow~At~ee and cu mo~ice~ of Counc~ (kin/d, seconded by <br /> <br />Hubbard and carried, the low bid of Electric ~uppl~e Distributing Oc~v of Santa <br /> <br />Bid Acceptance <br />Plant-~-, Spec. No. 488.8 <br /> <br />Ana as enumerated, was accepted -,~ all ~her bids rejected and bonds returned. <br /> <br />A tabulatien of bids was presen~d for the fur-~a~tng of plant m~x, per Specifica- <br /> <br />tim 488.8, as <br /> <br />~riffith Campany <br />S-1 ~y-Miller Contrac~,m <br />R. J. Noble ~any <br /> <br />Iten 1 Ite~ 2 <br /> <br /> <br />