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493 <br /> <br />Variance Appl.No.t354 <br />Annie Lee Durham <br /> <br />Vari~uxce Appl.No. 1351 <br />So.California Edison Co. <br />Reso. No. 60-134 <br />granting Variance <br /> <br />Ayes, <br /> <br />Noes, <br />Absent, <br /> <br /> representing the applicant, stated there are only seven northerly lots in question; <br /> that the property was purchased as part of an R-3 Tract and the map had been approved <br /> permitting the development of the entire area, a portion of which is already under <br /> construction. The standards for the new apartment buildings will be much higher, <br /> allowing 1300 square feet per unit, with attractive landscaping, individual garages <br /> for each of the buildings, and, if required, a wall would be placed on the north or <br /> west boundaries. Also, this area can be developed only R-3 or Commercial as there <br /> is a vacant orange grove on McFadden Avenue, across from the area there is <br /> zoning, and to the lel~t C-1 zoning. On motion of Councilman Gculd, seconded by <br /> Hubbard and carried, Variance Application No. 1348 was approved, subject to condi- <br /> tions A, B, D, E and F, changing (C) To include not less than 75 covered garages, <br /> adding (G) A four-foot wall built along the west side of property to 20 feet~ con- <br /> structed even with the setback, and (H) That the architecture of the proposed struc- <br /> tures be approved by our Planning Department. <br /> <br />Ccm~mnication was presented from the Planning Commission recommending denial of <br />Variance Application No. 1354, filed by Annie Lee Durham, to establish a bearding <br />house for two or three elderly people on property at 1327 Maple Street, in R-1 <br />District. Theodore B. Millard, 1329 Orange Avenue, representing eight residents <br />of the area who stood in protest, stated this is an established R-1 zone, and grant- <br />ing this Variance would develop spot zoning, depreciate the property values, and <br />create a neighborhood blight. Mrs. Lorel Molnar, 1306 Maple Street, said she was not <br />opposed to the Variance, but some recent construction to the applicant's garage has <br />created an unsightly appearance to the vicinity. Mary MoLnar~ 1333 Orange Avenue <br />and Mrs. J. E. Henry, 1309 Maple Street, stated they had signed the applicant's peti- <br />tion only on the basis that a storeroom would be built onto the garage and objected to <br />rezonin~ the are a. The applicant stated she desired to improve her property~ to <br />house two or three elderly people, and presented communication requesting that the <br />Variance be granted. On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried~ <br />the communication was received and filed. On motion of CounciLman Gculd, sec~aded <br />by Hubbard and carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission was approved <br />and Variance Application No. 1354 denied. <br /> <br />Communication was again presented from the Planning Commission, recommending denial <br />of Variance Application No. 1351, filed by Southern California Edison Company, to <br />construct a commercial office at 601-607 W. 8th Street, in R-2 District. Joseph <br /> <br />Long, representing the applicant, presented a revised proposed site plan, and on <br />motion of Councilman Gould, seconded by Hubbard and carried, the Plan was received <br />and filed. Mr. Long stated there were the same number of parking places, but the <br />flow was better and the spaces more adequate, and requested that the condition speci- <br />fying a five-foot wall along the west property line be changed to a two-foot wall, <br />as the adjoining property~ now a residence, will be sold for Commercial use. The <br />Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution, on motion of <br />Councilman Heinly~ seconded by Hubbard and carried, the following Resolution entitled: <br /> <br /> "Resolution No. 60-13h granting Variance Application No. 1351, <br /> filed by Southern California Edison Company where Planning <br /> Commission recommended denial" <br /> <br />was considered and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Councilmen Royal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr., Dale H. Heinly, <br /> A. A. Hall <br /> Councilmen None <br /> Councilmen Bob Brewer <br /> <br /> <br />