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339 <br /> <br />Council Chamber <br />Santa Ana City Hall <br />December 4, 1961. <br /> <br />7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />City Couucil met in regular session. <br />Meeting called to order by the Mayor. <br /> <br />Present: Councilmen <br />Absent: Councilmen <br /> <br />Royal E. Hubbard, Henry H. Schlueter, <br />Dale H. Heinly, A. A. Hall <br />Bob Brewer <br /> <br />The Pledge of Allegiance was given. <br /> <br />Invocation was given by Reverend Jay Weener, Parkview Reformed Church <br /> <br />Each member of the City Council having received copies of the Minutes <br />of November 20, 1961, reading of the Minutes was dispensed with and <br />approved as mailed, on motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by <br />Heinly and carried. <br /> <br />Bids <br />Construct Camille <br />St. btn Corta Drive <br />and Andres Place <br />Project C-65 <br /> <br />Continued hearing <br />Amend. Appl. No. 355 <br />Jesse Ojeda <br /> <br />On recommendation of the Manager and on motion of CounciLman Hubbard, seconded by <br /> <br />Schlueter and carried, action was continued until the next meeting on the award of <br /> <br />the bid for the construction of Camille Street between Corta Drive and Andres Placei~ <br />Project. C-65. <br />This being the date set for the continued hearin~ on Amendment Application No. 355,ii <br />filed by Jesse OJeda, amending Sectional District Map 8-5-9, to reclassify from the! <br />R-1 to the C-5 and R-1-B Districts, property on the south side of Seventeenth Street, <br />between Mabury and Wright Streets (the southwest corner of Mabury and Seventeenth <br />Streets)~ all as shown on Exhibit A.A. 355A; Communication ~as presented from the <br />Planning Commission stating the Commission received and accepted a special study of <br />the moning along East Seventeenth Street between the Santa Ana Freeway and Tustin <br /> <br />Avenue and has taken the report of the Planning Department under submission and <br /> <br />will forward to the Council, at the earliest possible date, its findings and recom-i! <br /> <br />mendations and requesting that no action be taken on Amendment Application No. 355 <br /> <br />which would pre-empt the widest possible range of choice on a lasting solution. <br /> the <br />Ou motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Hubbard and carriedShearing was contint~ed <br /> <br />Continued hearing <br />Adopt Ordinance <br />Establish drainage <br />fees ~ <br /> <br />Hearing <br />Declare intention <br />to grant Franchise <br />to California Gas <br />Transmission Co. <br />Ordinance <br /> <br />until the next meeting on Amendment Application No. 355, filed by Jesse OJeda. <br />This being the date set for the Continued hearing on the adoption of an Ordinance <br />to establish drainage fees, on motion of CounciLman Heinly, seconded by Hubbard and <br /> <br />carried, the hearing was continued until the next meeting. <br /> <br />This being the date set for hearing to grant a franchise to California Gas Trans- <br /> <br />mission Company to install a pipe line for the transportion of gas within the City, <br />Attorney Robert S. Barnes, Council for the Applicant, stated a great deal of effort <br />has been made on the matter which involves the closing of one street and the laying <br /> <br />of approximately 1200 feet of pipe on Huntzinger Avenue. The Application for <br /> <br />Franchise has been filed as required by the provisions in the Charter and the <br /> <br />Statutes of the State, and a clause has been inserted that the Franchise is not <br /> <br />effective until such time as the Public Utilities Commission acts. Mr. Barnes <br /> <br />further Stated that if the matter is delayed it is showing favoritism to the <br /> <br />opposition and requested that the Applicant be permitted to lay the pipe under the <br /> <br />conditions as set forth in the Charter. Mr. Harry L. LePape, 720 West 8th Street, <br /> <br />Los Angeles, Counsel, Southern Counties Gas Company, again requested the Council <br /> <br />postpone action on granting the franchise until such time as the Public Utilities <br /> <br />Commission acts; the granting of the franchise would appear to be an endorsement by <br /> <br />the Council and would be injurious to Southern Counties Gas Company. On motion of <br /> <br />Councilman Heinly, seconded by Hubbard and carried, the affidavit of publication was:~ <br />received and filed. On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and i <br /> <br />carried, <br /> <br />the following Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> <br />