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HEARING Mayor Hall opened the hearing on <br />AMEND. APP. 421, SADE Amendment Application 421, filed <br /> by Larry Sade, requesting an amend- <br /> ment of Sectional District Nap <br />23-5-10, reclassifying property situated on the southeast corner of Pacific <br />Avenue and St. Gertrude Place, from the C-2 District to the R-4 District. <br /> <br />Council heard testimony on behalf of the application from the applicant, <br />Mayo Wizel, 8362 W. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, and Shepherd Grogan who sub- <br />mitted for approval plans for a two-story develolm~ent. The applicant was <br />informed that the only matter before the Council was the question of re- <br />zoning. The applicant then requested an interpretation of the section of <br />the Zoning Ordinance relative to building heights in the R#4 zone. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilmen Hubbard, seconded by Councilman Gilmore and <br />carried, that the hearing on Amendment Application ~21 be continued <br />to the Regular Meeting of January 21, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council <br />Chamber. <br /> <br />HEARING, AMEND. APP. 422 Mayor Hall opened the hearing on <br />RI~ & BOWMAN Amendment Application 422, filed <br /> by Ralph Rtmmer and Thomas J. <br /> Bowman, requesting an amendment of <br />Sectional District Map No. 10-5-10 reclassifying property situated approxi- <br />mately 170 feet north of West Fifth Street and northwest of Clinton Street, <br />from the R-2 District to the C-2 District. Council heard testimony in <br />favor of the application from Troy Watkins, 215 Tustin, Newport Beach. <br />There being no further testimony, the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman Schlueter and <br />carried, that the City Council concur with the findings and recommendation <br />Of the planning Commission and deny Amendment Application 422. <br /> <br />EEARIN(;, AMEND. APP. 423 Mayor Ws~l opened the hearing on <br />~CI~ ~ARDE~ Amendment Application 423, filed <br /> by Hacienda Garden Develolmment <br /> Company, requesting an amendment <br />of Sectional District Map 10-5-10 reclassifying property situated on the <br />north side of West Washington Street south of the Pacific Electric Rail- <br />road and east of Harbor Boulevard. There be~ng no response to the Mayor's <br />call for testimony, the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councllm-u <br />Hubbard, seconded by Cou~cilm~n Schlueter and carried, that the City <br />Council approve the reclassification and instruct the City Attorney to <br />prepare an Ordinance amending Sectional District Map 10-5-10, according <br />to Exhibit 423-A. <br /> <br />HEARING, AMEND. APP. 424 Mayor Hall opened the hearing on <br />MIT.T.~R Amendment Application 424, filed by <br /> Charles D. Miller, requesting an <br /> amendment of Sectional District <br />Map 2-5-10 reclassifying property located between Berrydale and Cotter <br />Streets on the north side of Trask Avenue from the R-1 District to the <br />P District. There being no response to the Mayor's call for testimony, <br />the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Councilman Brewer and <br />carried, that the City Council concur with the findings and recommenda- <br />tion of the planning Commission and deny Amendment Application 424. <br /> <br />City Council - 2 - January 7, 1963 <br /> <br /> <br />