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I~ARI~G - APPEAL Vice Mayor Hubbard opened the heari~ <br />lO~ - LEONAi~ on Appeal Application 108 file~ by <br /> Doxan~er P. Le~aard frc~ the Plsmaing <br /> C.~-.....~ssion's ~e~ial of Variance <br />Application 1~5 to construct a 203 unit, one and two story apartment ccmplex on <br />A 1 property at 2827 N. Bristol. The Clerk reported that notice of the hearing <br />warn given by the Plsxming Department with evidence on file, and that letters of <br />protest had been received from the following: Arthur M. Bradley, 2321 North <br />Park Boulevard, Mrs. Russell J. Andersen, 928 Fairbrook TA-e, Mrs. Peter H. <br />Kauf~--~, 2937 Fallbrook Drive. The letters were received an~ ordered filed on <br />motion of Councilman Harvey, seconded by Counc~~=~ Schlueter and carried. <br /> <br />John Harvey, 1010 N. Main, attorney representing the appellant, describedI the <br />surrounding area, noted that opposition in C~ssion hearing was to the general <br />idea of apartments anywhere in the area citing such things as traffic, school <br />facilities, etc., ancl called attention to the intention of the developer to <br />protect the residential neighborhood by an R 1 buffer strip. <br /> <br />LeRoy Rose, 600 N. Euclid, Anaheim, architect, displayed drawings and ~esCrlbed <br />the project. Mrs. W. J. Richardson, B3~-A Halssworth, property owner in the <br />area, expressed approval of the application. <br /> <br />W. E. Van Riper, 2902 Fernwood Drive, acte~ as spokesman for about ~00 residents <br />requesting ~enial of the variance, stating the need to preserve the exclusiveness <br />of the area, the detriment of increased traffic and overlouded public facilities, <br />an~ the expenditure of city funds to install an~ maintain them. He also felt <br />that code requirements ha~ not been net for g~ating the variance. <br /> <br />Douglas Corrigan, 2828 North Flower, opposed the applicatiou, pointing out that <br />there ha~ been errors in the application and appeal; that the cards sent out called <br />the area A 1; an~ that the survey was ~naccurate. Janice Boer, 912 North Lowell, <br />asked if a d/vided highway on Bristol was a part of the Master Plan, noting that <br />s,,eh coustruction would necessitate more outlay of city money. <br /> <br />The Planning Director noted the Public Works Department ha~ repOrte~ existing <br />pu~lic service facilities to be adequate to handle this development and that the <br />driveway entrances ou Bristol woul~l be of same type as a local street. There <br />be~8 no further testimony, the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />On motiou of Councilman Gilmore, secouded by Counci]maan Schlueter and carried, <br />the City Council overruled the decision of the P]~-ing C~!ssion and instructed <br />the City Attorney to prepare a resolutiou approving Variance 18~5, but that the <br />applicetiou be referred to the Planning Department and Planning C~ssiou for <br />the appendage of rec~ended conditions. <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />At 9:25 p. m. a five minute recess was <br />declared. The meeting was reconvened <br />at 9:35 P- m. with the same Councilmen <br />present. <br /> <br />HEARING - APPEAL 109 Vice Mayor Hubbard opened the hearing <br />WILLOWICK on Appeal Application 109 filed by <br /> Willowick ~olf Course from the P~-~-ing <br /> C ...... ~ssion' s approval of Variance <br />Application 18~0 (Goeders and Mark Hospital, Inc. ) to construct a thirty bed con- <br />valescent hospital for alcoholics at 3217 West ~th Street. The Clerk reported <br />that notice of the hear~ng was given by the P~-~ing Department with evidence on <br />file, and that a letter had been filed by Alexander Bowie, attorney for appel~--t, <br />including a transcript of the hearing before the Planning C~m,~ssiou. <br /> <br />AIexander Bowie, ~01 W. 8th Street, spoke on behalf of George E. Thc'~pson, 91~ <br />E. Buffalo, stating that the facility would not be compatible with the surrounding <br />area, and that the application di~ not meet the four requirements of the Municipal <br />Co~e for granting a variance. Vice Ma~or Hubbard stated he had viewed the pr-m~ sss <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - 2~8 - November 18, 1963 <br /> <br /> <br />