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RES. 63-197 RESOL~TION 63-197 CONCerNING TRAFFIC <br />TRAFFIC REGUI~TIONS (Prohibiting stopping on <br /> 17th Street) was read by title. It <br /> was moved by Counc~lm-- Harvey, sec- <br />onded by Counc~lm-n Gilmore, that further reading be waived aud Resolution 63- <br />197 be adopted. 0~ roll ¢,ll vote: <br /> <br />AYES, C0t~NCILM~: <br />NOES, COUNCILM~2~: <br />ABSENT, COUNCII~E~: <br /> <br />Harvey, Gilmore, Schlueter, Eubbard <br />None <br />Hall <br /> <br />AG~ On motion of Councilman Harvey, sec- <br />SOIL INVESTIGATION onded by Councf lm~ Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council authorized execu- <br /> tion of an agreement with LeRoy <br />Crandall and Associates, Consulting Foundation Engineers, for a soils investi- <br />gation and report at a fee of $2,650.00 for the South Reservoir. <br /> <br />AGRE~2~T - STREET 0~ motion of Counct~m~n Harvey, sec- <br />IMPROV~ITS, KILROT onded by Counc~lm-u Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council authorized execution <br /> of an agreement with John B. Kilroy <br />guaranteeing improvements on Harbor Boulevard in accordance ~ith C.U.P. 152, <br />Condition No. 3 under Utility Release. <br /> <br />CEANGE ~RD~ - PRO~ECT C-96 ~n motion of ~ctlm.~ ~ey, sec- <br /> o~ed by ~cflma, Sc~ue~r ~d <br /> c~ried, C~cil a~ed <br /> ~er No. i ~ a contract ~ ~us- <br />trial Contracti~ ~. for t~ reconst~ction of ~sey Street f~ St. ~ews <br />to app~xtm~tely ~ feet sou~, ~Ject C-~. <br /> <br />PRIVATE PATROL Om motion of Cou~c~lm~ Harvey, sec- <br /> onded by COl~cflm~n Gilmore and car- <br /> ried, Council approved as recommended <br /> by the City Manager, granting of lic- <br />ense to Western B~reau of Investigation to operate security service in the City <br />of Santa Aha. <br /> <br />STREET VACATION On motion of Councilman Harvey, sec- <br /> onded by Cou~cflm~ Schlueter amd <br /> carried, Council postponed to Decem- <br /> ber 16, 1963 action on a proposed <br />street vacation at the southeast corner of Edi~ger and Fairview Streets requested <br />by Stater Bros. Markets. <br /> <br />CROSSWALKS & SIGNS On motion of Coun¢~lm~ Gilmore, sec- <br />MAPLE AND WALNUT onded by Counc~lm~ Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council received and ordered <br /> filed Director of Public Works' report <br />dated November 15, 1963; approved reccmnnendation to inst~l crosswalk across Chest- <br />nut Avenue at Maple Street and school crosswalk across Maple Street at Walnut <br />Street; and denied request for stop signs on Walnut at Maple Street. <br /> <br />CIT~ COUNCIL - 267 - December 2, 1963 <br /> <br /> <br />