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PRE. RECORD OF SURVEY 336 Council again considered Preliminary <br /> Record of Survey Map 336 filed by <br /> Standard Pressed Steel, creating two <br /> lots at the northeast corner of Harbor <br />and Segerstrom, action having been contimued from several prior meetings. Dale <br />Hetnly, 611 W. 8th Street, attorney for the subdivider, requested waiver of the <br />drainage fees on the portion of property already developed and waiver of side- <br />walks on Harbor Boulevard. It was the opimion of the City Attorney that waiver <br />of the drainage fee was not possible under the wording of the Municipal Code. <br /> <br />It was moved by Counctlm-n Harvey, seconded by Councilman Gtlmore, that the <br />Council approve Preliminary Record of Survey 336 subject to the conditions <br />described in the Planning Director's Report dated October 3, 1~63 with the ex- <br />ception that the side~lks in Condition C thereof sh~l I not be required to be <br />constructed until such time as sidewalks are required of or constructed on <br />properties to the north or to the south of subject property on Harbor Boulevard, <br />but that the subdivider shal 1 file a bond covertng the esttm-ted cost of the <br />sidewalk construction. The motion passed on the following roll c~11 vote: <br /> <br />AYES, COUNCILM~: Harvey, Gilmore, Hubbard <br />NOES, COUNCI~EN: 'Schlueter <br />ABS~: COUNCILMEN: Hall <br /> <br />CROSSING GUARD COSTS On motion of Counc~lmRu Harvey, sec- <br /> onded by Couzlctlman Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council instructed the City <br /> Attorney to prepare a resolution <br />recommending legislation to force school districts to contribute toward expenses <br />for school crossing guards. <br /> <br />PRE. REC. OF On motion of Councilman Harvey, sec- <br />SURVE~ 341 onded by Couactlm-~ Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council approved Preliminary <br /> Record of Shzrvey 341 filed by Fred A. <br />Mangold creating two C 5 lots at the northeast corner of Wright and 18th Streets, <br />subject to the conditions outlined in the pIA~ing Director's report dated Novem- <br />ber 18, 1963. <br /> <br />PP~. REC. OF On motion of Councflm~n Harvey, sec- <br />SURVE~ 342 onded by Counc~lm-~ Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council approved Preliminary <br /> Record of Survey 342 filed by Herbert <br />Snow creating two R 1 lots between 5th and 6th Streets approximately 470 feet <br />west of Rosita Street, subject to the conditions outlined in the planning Direc- <br />tor's report dated November 18, 1963. <br /> <br />PRE. REC. OF On motion of Counc~lm~- Harvey, sec- <br />SURVEY 343 onded by Counc~lm~ Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council approved Preliminary <br /> Record of Survey 343 filed by ¥orba <br />Investment Co. creating two A 1 lots on the west side of Flower Street south of <br />the Pacific Electric Railway right of way, subject to the conditions outlined in <br />the Planning Director's report dated November 18, 1963. <br /> <br />Ci~ COUNCIL - 268 - <br /> <br />December 2, 1963 <br /> <br /> <br />