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WRz',u'E~ CO~dNICATIONS <br /> <br /> 0n motion of Councilman Schlueter, sec- <br /> onded by Councilman G~lmore and carried, <br /> Council received and ordered filed the <br /> following c~m~unications: <br /> <br />TRAFFIC REP0~T- <br /> Report of traffic control devices removed or inst-ll ed during period <br /> 11/11/63 through 11/~6/63. <br /> <br /> ORmWG .- <br /> Resolution recommending legislation which would prevent State agencies <br /> from preempting the field of local building regulations. <br /> <br />CON=A.~LT~TION SPEC~CATION CEANGES- <br /> Copy of letter to Public Works Director from Engineeri~ and Grading <br /> Contractor's Association requemting notification of proposed <br /> in construction specificatioms. <br /> <br />E~G~"Z CO~$~dNICATIONS- <br /> Letter from Radio ~mergency Associated Citizens Team (REACT) describing <br /> emergency cc~municatione available through citizens band two-way radio <br /> facilities. <br /> <br />LIQU0ffi~ LICENSE APPLICATI0~S- <br /> Me'N-~is Pizza Parlor, 1180 S. Bristol - NEW ON-SALE <br /> The Galaxy, 900 N. Broadway - ON-SALE G~ <br /> <br /> VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE P~tMIT DECISIONS- <br />c~/3 Ma~e by the Planning Commission or Zoning ~mtnistrator, on which no <br /> appeals have been filed. <br /> <br />V.A. 1812, peterson & Rose - to construct an 18 building, 72 unit <br />two story apartment cmmplex at ~626-4718 W. 5th Street - APPROVED. <br /> <br />V.A. 1819, Eggleton - to replace existing residence with new home <br />on R 1 lot containing 2 duplexes at 919 N. Euclid - APPROVED. <br /> <br />V. A. 1852, Markum - to construct second dwelling unit on rear of <br />three R 1 lots at 518 W. Edinger - APPROVED. <br /> <br />V.A. 1853, Gill - to construct third dwelling unit on front of R 2 <br />property at 3311 W. Cam! le - APPROVED. <br /> <br />V.A. 1856, Catholic Church - to construct 16' x 22' room within 9'6" <br />of rear property line at 707 S. Maxine - APPROVED. <br /> <br />V.A. 1858, Alvarado - to construct three dwelling units on R 1 prop- <br />erty containing existing dwelling at 5107 W. 7th Street - APPROVED. <br /> <br />~ 7P <br />ADVISORY C~EE On motion of Councilman Harvey, sec- <br /> onded by Counc~lm-~ Gilmore and car- <br /> ried, the following persons were <br /> appointed to the Citizens Advisory <br />C~mmtttee for the General Plan Program: Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dorsey, Alvin <br />T. Heisser, Sgt Thomas M. ~ey, and Mrs. Leonard Robbins., <br /> <br />SIG~ E~CROAC~ENT On motion of Councilman Harvey, sec- <br /> onded by Counc~m-~ Schlueter and <br /> carried, Council approved, subject to <br /> approval by the Plenning Director, an <br />agreement with Animal Medical Center, Eendal P. Svedeen, D.V.M., for encroach- <br />ing sign at 1414 N. Harbor Boulevard. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - 871- - December 2, 1~63 <br /> <br /> <br />