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SOLICITATION REQUEST On motion of Councilman Harvey, seconded <br /> by Councilman Sch-lueter and carried, <br /> Council approved the request of G. T. <br /> Dickinson, pastor of the Seventh-day <br />Adventist Church to solicit funds from December 7 to December 31, 1963 for medical, <br />educational and welfare work. <br /> <br />RESZGNATIONS Letters of resignation from the Citizens <br />ADVISOR~f CO~4ITTEE Advisory Committee for the General Plan <br /> Program were received from Mrs. Loule <br /> Boer and Mrs. Frankye Andres. <br />It was moved by Councilman Harvey and seconded by Councilm-n Schlueter that the <br />letters be received and filed, the resignations be accepted, and letters of <br />mendation for outstanding service and interest in the cc~...~uity be presented to <br />each. <br /> <br />Acting upon the request of Gordon Bricken, 811 N. Minter, that the Executive Com- <br />mittee have an opportunity to discuss the matter, Counctlm-u Harvey withdrew his <br />original motion and moved that Council receive and file the letters and delay <br />further action until word is received from the Executive Committee. The motion <br />was seconded by Councilman G~lmore and carried. <br /> <br />AMBULANCE 0~qDINANCES Mr. Acker of Acker Ambulance Co. stated <br /> that Ordinances NS-321 and NS 454 were <br /> in conflict and asked on what basis <br /> Council granted the Certificate to Windh <br />Ambulance Service. The Mayor asked the City Attorney to review the matter and to <br />report to Council at its next meeting. <br /> <br />EE~EJiSION OF CD AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NS-707 EXTENDING THE ~mFECT <br /> OF INT~IM ZONING ORDINANCE N8-667 <br /> PROVIDING FOR C-5 USES IN TEE CD DIS- <br /> TRICT was introduced by title. It was moved by Councflm-n Harvey~ seconded by <br /> Councilman Schlueter and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and <br /> Ordinance NS 707 be passed to second reading. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />man Schlueter and carried. <br /> <br />There being no further business to come <br />before the Council, the meeting was <br />adjourned at 11:30 p.m. on motion of <br />Councilman Harvey, seconded by Council- <br /> <br />Correction by <br /> <br />action on December 16, 1963 <br /> <br />DORIS M. BROWN <br />CL~K OF ',T~ COUNCIL <br /> <br />RES. 63-194 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />SPECIAL COUNSEL OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND <br />ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 220 ORDERING THE ~ECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT <br /> EMPLOYING SPECIAL COUNSEL (Assessmen~ <br />~isbrict No. 220) was read by bitle. It was moved by Council-man Harvey, seconded by <br />Councilman Gilmore, that further reading be waived and Resolution 63-194 be adopted. <br /> <br />On roll call vote:~ <br /> AYES, COUNCILMEN: <br /> NOES, COUNCILMEN: <br /> ABSENT, COUNC II/~EN: <br /> <br />Harvey, Gilmore, Schlueter, Hubbard <br />None <br />Hall <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - 272 - December 2, 1963 <br /> <br /> <br />