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RES. 6~-37 RESOLUTION 6~-37 OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF <br />CONF~G ABSESSM~ THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFOENIA, MAK/NG <br /> DETERMINATIONS AND CO~G ASSESSMenT <br /> AND PROC..:~]INGS UND~ RESOLUTION OF <br />~T~rION, RESOLUTION NO. 63-~9 was read by title. It was moved by Councilman <br />Hubbard, seconded by Councilman Harvey, that further reading be waived add <br />Resolution 6~-37 be adopted. On roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES, COUNCILMEN: <br />NOES, COUNC II, EH: <br />ABSOFT, C~3NCII2~EN: <br /> <br />Hubbard, Harvey, Gilmore, Schlueter, Hall <br />No~e <br />None <br /> <br />AMEND. APP. ~65 - Mayor Hall opened the hearing on Amendment <br />MEP~iTn Application 465, filed by ~kldy Meredith <br /> proposing to amend Sectional District <br /> MaP 5-5-9 by reclassifying free the A 1 <br />to the R 3 district property on the south side of Santa Clara between Wright <br />and Tustin Avenue. Planning C~ission Resolution 5671 rec ..... ended denial. <br /> <br />The Clerk reported that notice of the hearing was published in The Register <br />on February 29, 1964 and that letters opposing the rezoning had been received <br />from Herbert L. Hill, 15B3 E. 19th Street, Harry Tancredi, 1104 E. 17th Street; <br />and a petition in opposition with 144 signatures. The c~unications were <br />received and ordered filed on motion of Councilman Hubbard, seccuded by <br />Councilmau Schlueter and carried. <br /> <br />Dale Heinly, 611 W. 8th Street, representing the applicant, stated that none <br />of the persons signing the letters add petition resided within 300 feet of <br />the area; that at the time of annexation the applicant was assured he would <br />have no z~ming problem. He requested that the application be considered for <br />R ~ instead of R 3 development. On advice from the Planning Director that the <br />R 4 is a more restrictive zoning, the Council proceeded. Mr. Heinly described <br />the proposed developeaent of fourplexes and the buffer which would be provided <br />by the proposed park site. <br /> <br />Patrick Dug~an, 1~02 E. 21et Street, stated he had signed the opposition petition <br />because of misrepresentation of the location and now spoke in favor if the <br />developer c~uld enter the area free the north, south, or east. <br /> <br />Sally Rosaa, 133~ E. 21et Street, spoke in opposition, citing as reasons the <br />ma,y vacancies in the area, the traffic c~ngestion, and the probable increase <br />in school children. She also requested that action be delayed until the <br />General Plan is c~leted, noting that it w~ul~ ceet the city more to purchase <br />the park area if it were rezoned R ~. <br /> <br />Noel G. Conway, 1521 E. Catalina, asked those in opposition to rise, and about <br />hO or ~5 persons erect. Mr. Co,way stated that if the park site is rezoned R <br />the City woul~ not have sufficient fun~e to purchase it. He suggested that a <br />variance procedure would give better controls over the devel~l~ent. <br /> <br />George Hare, 1610 E. 19th Street, urged that the area be retained ae choice <br />residential, and James M. $cherer, 1~9 E. 21et Street, also spoke in opposition. <br />Mr. ~ sp~ke a~ain stating he would be opposed to a carte blanche rezoning <br />but would favor a variance procedure. <br /> <br />Hrs. William E. York, 1522 E. Catalina, pointe~ out crow~ed school facilities <br />and low water pressure as reasons for opposition. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hugh L. Wright, 2001 N. Ly~n, George Hare, 1610 E. 19~h, James M. Scherer, <br />1529 E. 21et, and Patrick M. Hurley, 2009 N. Lyes, also spoke in opposition. <br />The Planning Director stated the Planniu~ C~issima's recommendation was <br />unanimous against the zone c~e as they rec:-..~.~uded R 1 usage in this area. <br /> <br />Mr. Heinly ma~e an oral request that the westerly nine acres planned for park <br />use he eliminated frem the application and noted none of the streets would have <br />access westerly, but access would be frem Santa Clara. There being no further <br />testimony, the hearing was closed. <br />CITY COUNCIL - 343 - March 16, 196~ <br /> <br /> <br />