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~lr. Rick. les read frcu the D. D. Hillyard engineering report a statement that <br />the ~ost logical use of the property would be suburban apartment dwellings; <br />noted that R i develol~ent would result in homes of $40,000 in an area where <br />average value is $18,000. <br /> <br />Mr. Riekles displayed a drawing of the proposed architectural design of ~ units <br />to appear as a large single hame and submitted a petition bearing approx~--tely <br />~2 signatures favoring the rezonin~; On motion of Councilman Eubbard, seconded <br />'by Councilman Schlueter and carried, the petition was received and ordered <br />filed. <br /> <br /> OPPONENTS Nathan Tart, 90S E. Avalon, <br /> TESTIMONY representing s~,~- property owners <br /> opposing the rezoning, referred to <br /> Section 9~5 of the Santa Aaa <br />Municipal 0o4~, stating that public necessity, convenience and welfare must be <br />affected befOre a zoning cha-_-e could be initiated, requirements which he felt <br />ware not met. Mr. Tart questionei whether proper notice of the hearing had been <br />given, an~ accepted Counei~m-n Eabbard's explanation that there are alternative <br />methods of notifying l~COperty owners, and one of these had been met; <br /> <br />Eerwin ~acobs, 915 E. Avalon, ~escribed the area with the aid of charts, point- <br />ing out buffers established by the COuncil between the R 1 area and Guaranty. <br />ChevrOlet, and referred to a Pla-~tng Department report of 1960 which he felt <br />refuted moat of Mr. Rick. les' contentions. <br /> <br />Walter Earwood, 2110 Santiago, stated that he had been an appraiser for twelve <br />years an~, in his opinion, apartment ~evelo~ment in an R 1 zone devaluates the <br />R 1 properties; cited Buffalo Street houses at $~0,000 as an example that R 1 <br />development is feasible in the area. <br /> <br />Walter Neubrander, 1202 E. 3uffalo, with graphs of vacancy rates in Santa Aaa <br />for apartments an~ single homes, indicated shortage of single hcmes available <br />conpared to apartments. <br /> <br />Gene Westmyer, 20th and Santiago, expressed fear that approval of this develop- <br />merit would lead to other apartments. Also. speaking in opposition were Mrs. <br />john Madden, 2ll~ Poinsettia; Clark Bertram, 2405 N. Hathaway Lane; Robert <br />l~udson, 120~ E. Avalon; and Mrs. Russell Macy, 1720 Santiago. <br /> <br />A. H. Jones, 910 E. Santa Clara, expressed doubt that increased assessed values <br />of apartment develolmzent would offset increase in governmental services. Howard <br />Parker, 702 E. Santa Clara, commented on traffic problems that would result <br />from R ~ development. <br /> <br />Richard segerblom, 923 E. Jonquil Road, quoted Planning Department regarding <br />community pride encouraged by individ,,~ home ownership. Harry Craig, 806 <br />E. Catalina, pointed out apartments referred to by Mr. Rickles are on another <br />sectional district map and that subject property is surrounded by R 1 or R 1 B <br />and does not ad. Join any C ~. Mrs. Janice Boer, 912 N. Lowell, commented on <br />owners in southeast desiring rezoning for apartments, and the lack of high grade <br />R 1 area. <br /> <br /> P~UTTAL Mr. Rickles interpreted Santa Aha <br /> Municipal Code Section 9255 regarding <br /> public necessity, convenience, and <br /> welfare to apply to the Council or <br />C~-..~sion initiating proceedings on their own motions and not to verified <br />applications. He noted the project is economically sound or the lending <br />agencies would not approve; noted that responsible persons live in apartments <br />as well as single homes; cited the apartment development at Warner and Raitt <br />as being surrounded by R 1. There being no further testimony, the hearing was <br />closed. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - 392 - <br /> <br />May 21, ].964 <br /> <br /> <br />