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Bill .~hockey, Chairman of ~he City Tax an~ Finance Ccemittee, explained the <br />eight rec~endations in the Chamber of Cc~erce letter. Ral Winter, ~anager, <br />explained the Downtown Santa Aha Association's request for street Lighting. <br />Frank Gelinas, Nmnager, explained the Chamber of Commerce requests regarding <br />traffic and street problems. <br /> <br />In answer to questions froze Mrs. Janice Boer, 912 N. Lowell, the City ~anager <br />stated the wording in the Budget on right of way acquisition for Eighth Street <br />ha~ been correcte~ an~ there was no duplication; the sewer study in conjunction <br />with the General P!a~ was not in the 196~-65 Budget, having Been encumbered in <br />last year's Budget; he wonl~ not recommend the City h~-~le its own cc~pensation <br />insurance; and that the City ha~ not Been bille~ for legal counsel on the <br />Newport-Dyer A~uexation. Mrs. Boer ~a~e suggestions regarcling the h~.l~?~ of <br />another policewoman,' 1the use of more motorcycles in the Police Depart~f~, the <br />purchase of a Gray Au~iograph to record Council proceedings, coat ra~k~ Tor <br />the Chamber, rubber mat for the hall, and directional si~n in lobby for Chamber <br />an~ elevator. <br /> <br />Adam Schleining, 1335 Santiago, spoke in opposition to the Chamber's rec~,endation <br />for billing each householder for refuse collection. There being no further <br />testimony, the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />After.~leleting Item 321 on Page 93 regarding custodial service in schools for <br />after-school recreation programs, and directing that Council clearance he <br />obtained Before obligating i~,r,t~ for Branch libraries and additional fire house <br />sites, the budget was approved on motion of ColAnc~lmn Hubbard, secou~[ecl By <br />Councilman Schlueter, and carried. <br /> <br />ORD. NS-7~ ORDINANCE NS-7~d~ ADOPTING THE A~NUAL <br />~NS BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR <br /> JULY 1, 1964 A~D PIX]]~G ~. LI~ITATIONS <br /> OF EXP~ITURES I~R T.~. SEVERAL F~DS <br />AI~ T-~. I~NCTI~S, DEPARTUreS A~D ACTIv,','/ES CARRI~ UHDER SUCH l~l~S wes read <br />By title. <br /> <br />Tt was move~ by Counci~a~ Hubbard, seconded by Councilman Gilmore, that further <br />rea~ing he waived an~ Ordinance N~-7~ Be adopted. On roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES, C~CILM~: <br />NOES, CO~NCIL~: <br />ABS~r, C0~NCIIJ~EN: <br /> <br />Hubbard, Nmrv~y~ Gilmore, Schlueter, Hall <br />None <br />None <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Gilmore, seconded by Counc~lma- Hubbard, an~ carried, <br />Council ~irected that studies Be mede of the reccm~en~lations me~le in the Chamber <br />of Commerce letter dated July 17, 196~ prior to the mid-year budget review as <br />follows: <br /> <br />That the Board of Recreation and Parks, in cooperation with the Chamber of <br />C~erce and any other group or individuals, Bring Back to the City Council, <br />before January 1, 1965, a plan for the practical implementation of the <br />rec~w~aendation in Item ~ of the letter, Cultural ~d recreational facilities <br />shoul~ ~e ~ade self-sustaining where possible. <br /> <br />That the Personnel Board, Before January 1, 1~65, Bring Back to Council a <br />report a~awering questions propose~ in Item 2 of the letter, Review of <br />~ersenuel needs and related costs. <br /> <br />CITY <br /> <br />That the City ~anager, Before January 1, 196~, Bring Back to Council recc~- <br />meudaticms for the implementation of, or lack of nee~ for same, om recoa- <br />mendations contained in Item 1, The cost of rel~use collection should Be <br />home b7 the users of such service! rather t~an inclu&~,~ such costs .is the <br />city's general l~.~ ex~endit.ures; Item 3, S~u~ of re~ortin$ a~ forms <br />re~uirements~ Item ~, CentX-alization of all cit7 ~erations; Item 6, <br />Ac~ountin~ and financial reportin$~ and Item 7, Form an~ presentaticm of <br />the =-~ual Buret. <br />C0~CIL - 1~ - July 20, 196~ <br /> <br /> <br />