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· Mobile equipment shall not be allowed to run idle near existing residences <br /> · Neighbors (including the proposed high school) within 200 feet of major construction areas shall <br /> be notified of the construction schedule in writing, prior to construction; the project sponsor <br /> shall designate a "disturbance coordinator" who shall be responsible for responding to any local <br /> complaints regarding construction noise; the coordinator (who may be an enployee of the <br /> developer or general contractor) shall chtermine the cause of the complaint and shall require <br /> that reasonable measures warranted to correct the problem be implemented; a telephone <br /> number of the noise disturbance coordinator shall be conspicuously posted at the construction <br /> site fence and on the notification sent to neighbors adjacent to the site <br /> · Temporary noise barriers shall be installed between the propose~l church and adjacent noise <br /> sensitive land uses. These noise barriers may include the use of leaded blankets and/or layers of <br /> plywood. Barriers shall be at least ten feet in height. In the event the construction noise is <br /> intrusive on the local residents, the project applicant shall raise the height and/or thickness of <br /> temporary noise barriers. <br /> <br />Findings for Impact NOI-I. The City finds that the above-identified changes or alterations would <br />reduce the impact identified as NOI-1 to less than significant levels and are herby incorporated into the <br />project. No additional mitigation measures are necessary with the implementation of Mitigation <br />Measure NOI- 1. <br /> <br />Traffic and Circulation <br /> <br />Impact TR-I. Construction traffic would result in short-term localized congestion. <br /> <br />Mitigation Measure for Impact TR- I . <br /> <br />TR-I <br /> <br />A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) shall be developed for construction <br />activities associated with the residential and church components of the project. The plan <br />shall identify but shall not be limited to: truck routes (consistent with City truck routes), site <br />access, truck queuing locations, and construction times. <br /> <br />Findings for Impact TR-1. The City Finds that the above-identified changes or alterations would <br />reduce the impact identified as TR-1 to less than significant levels and are herby incorporated into the <br />project. No additional mitigation measures are necessary with the implementation of Mitigation <br />Measure TR- 1. <br /> <br />Impact TR-2. Under Year 2007 conditions, the proposed project would produce new traffic <br />volumes that would significantly impact 7 of the analyzed intersections and 1 street segment that <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br /> <br />