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No safety hazards for people working or residing in the project area would result. The project is <br />located within an FAA Notification Area for John Wayne Airport only. The site is not located within <br />an Accident Potential Zone or an area susceptible to crash hazard. <br /> <br />Land Use. The parcel immediately west of the project site is planned for a proposed high school. <br />Existing agriculture operations on the parcel would no longer occur. Therefore, there would not be <br />any land use conflicts between the proposed project and ~griculture operations. <br /> <br />Noise. Future noise levels within the project site would continue to be dominated by vehicular <br />traffic on the adjacent roadways. The noise levels within the outdoor useable areas of the <br />residential lots would be less than 65 dBA CNEL, and interior locations would be below 45 dBA <br />CNEL. Noise levels within the outdoor useable areas of the church and interior noise levels would <br />also meet City standards. Off-site locations in the vicinity would experience increased noise caused <br />by traffic generated by the proposed project. The proposed project would increase local noise <br />levels by a maximum of 1.1 dBA CNEL, which is not considered a perceptible increase. <br /> <br />Population and Housing. Buildout of the residential units is estimated to increase the population <br />of the City by 710 persons; this would account for a 0.2 percent increase in population. The City's <br />population already exceeds SCAG's 2005 population forecast of 319,261 persons Citywide. <br />However, the proposed project site been identified for residential deve!opment in the City General <br />Plan. The project site is currently used for agriculture and is not anticipated to displace any <br />existing housing, jobs, or businesses located within the project site. <br /> <br />Public Services and Utilities. The project would result in less-than-significant demands on public <br />services and utilities as follows: <br /> <br />· Increases in solid waste would be minor in comparison to the 2,700 tons taken to the Sunset <br /> Transfer Station Daily. The proposed project would increase the overall generation of solid <br /> waste. However, the County landfill system has capacity available for more than 30 years. The <br /> proposed project would be required to comply with the City's recycling program for residential <br /> uses to further reduce the demand for solid waste disposal. <br />· The project-generated demand for electricity would be appro~mately 1.8 million Kilowatt- <br /> hour (kWh) per year. This increase would be m~nor in the context of overall demand within <br /> Southern California and the State, and would neither result in a substantial increase in demands <br /> beyond available supply, nor require a major expansion of power fadlities. <br />· The Santa Ana Fire Department has indicated that it has sufficient facilities and staff to <br /> accommodate the needs of the proposed project. The additional population associated with <br /> the proposed project would not substantially affect level of service ratios for fire protection. <br /> <br />27 <br /> <br /> <br />