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· Alternative 3: All Site Developed Under Existing General Plan at 7.0 Dwelling Units Per <br /> Acre <br /> <br /> · Alternative 4: Church Facility with Basement <br /> <br />Alternatives to the project that could potentially meet most of the project objectives (which are <br />described in Section 3.2, above) and avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the <br />project are analyzed in this EIR as part of the environmental review of the project. The analysis of <br />each alternative provides a comparison of the potential impacts of the alternative in relation to the <br />project. <br /> <br />As previously identified, implementation of the proposed project would result in unavoidable <br />adverse air quality and land use impacts. All other impacts associated with the proposed project <br />have been determined to be less than significant or have been provided with mitigation measures to <br />reduce the impact to a level considered less than significant. Table 4-3 of the EIR (also shown <br />below) compares unavoidable adverse impacts associated with the four project alternatives with the <br />unavoidable adverse impacts associated with the proposed project. <br /> <br /> Table 4-5. Proposed Project & Land Hse Alternatives <br /> Comparison Table of Ilnavoidable Adverse Impacts <br /> <br />Resource No Pro~ect Alternative 2 Altematlve 3 Alternative 4 <br /> <br />Air Quality <br /> <br />Land Use <br /> <br />+ Alternative would result ~n more unavoidable adverse impacts than the proposed project <br />-- Alternative would result in fewer unavoidable adverse ~rnpacts than the proposed project <br />= Unavoidable adverse hnapacts from the alternative would be eomlnrable to the proposed project <br /> <br />As the table shows, implementation of the No Project Alternative would not result in any <br />unavoidable adverse impacts. However, the CEQA Guidelines require that ff the No Project <br />Alternative is the environmentally superior alternative, the EIR shall also identify an <br />environmentally superior alternative among the other alternatives. <br /> <br />Under Alternative 2, a total of 128 residential dwelling units and the 15-acre church facility would <br />be developed. While the project would be developed at a lesser density, site preparation and <br />construction activities would not differ substantially from the proposed project. Unavoidable <br />adverse air quality impacts associated with construction activities would still occur. Under <br />Alternative 2 unavoidable land uses impacts associated with the loss of agriculture land would also <br />still occur, while the reduced development alternative would result in slightly less long-term <br />impacts, the reduced development associated with this alternative would not allow the project to <br /> <br />3O <br /> <br /> <br />