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is designed to serve this purpose for the mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR. The MMP <br />requires the City to monitor mitigation measures designed to reduce or eliminate significant impacts, as <br />well as those mitigation measures designed to reduce environmental impacts that are less than <br />significant. The MMP includes all of the mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and has been <br />designed to ensure compliance during implementation of the project. <br /> <br />The City finds that the impacts of the project have b~en mitigated to the extent feasible by the <br />mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR and in the MMP. The City adopts the Mitigation <br />Monitoring Project for the project that accompanies the Final EIR. The monitoring program designates <br />responsibility and anticipated timing for the implementation of mitigation measures and conditions <br />within the jurisdiction of the City. That program is hereby adopted and its implementation is hereby <br />made a condition of approval. <br /> <br />The City approves and will implement all of the mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR. <br /> <br />6.0 ALTERNATIVES <br /> <br />An EIR prepared pursuant to CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines must describe and <br />comparatively evaluate a range of alternatives to the proposed project (see § 15126.6 of the CEQA <br />Guidelines). Analysis of every possible alternative or option or combination of options would <br />overburden the EIR with an unnecessary amount of detail that would be redundant and complex, <br />and would as a result fail to provide meaningful information for the City to consider in its review of <br />the project. To develop the alternatives that are analyzed herein, a list of potential alternatives was <br />prepared. For purposes of this analysis, the project alternatives are evaluated to determine the <br />extent to which they attain the basic project objectives~ while significantly lessening any significant <br />effects of the project. <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana selected the alternatives below for a variety of reasons; however, the goal for <br />evaluating any, and all, of these alternatives is to identify ways to mitigate or avoid the significant <br />environmental effects identified above resulting from the proposed project. Additionally, during <br />the preparation of DEIR, the applicant requested that a design alternative be considered that <br />evaluates a 45,00-square-foot basement that would fUnction as an undercroft facility. This EIR <br /> <br />analyzes the following alternatives: <br />· Alternative 1: No project <br /> <br /> · Alternative 2: Residential Area Developed Under Existing SD 4 Zoning Standards at 5.6 Dwelling <br /> Units Per Acre with proposed church facility <br /> <br />29 <br /> <br /> <br />