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testi~c~y, the hearing w~s closed. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Council-~- Gilmore ~ud <br />carried, that the Council approve the reclassification and instruct the <br />City Attorney to prepare an a~end~ or~ce according to ~hibit AA 51~ A. <br /> <br />~EARING - M~yor Hall opene~ the hearing c~ A~encl~ent <br />A~E~D. APP. 519 Application 519 filed by Donal~ D. <br />RAI~ALL Randall to a~end Sectional District Map <br /> 17-5-9 by reclassifying fr~ the R 1 <br />to the M 1 district, property on the east side of Grand between Chestnut and <br />Regent. pla~,~,~ Cca-aissic~ Resolution 5701 recc~emded al~roval of E~hibit <br />AA 519 A. The Clerk reported that aotice of the hearing was published in <br />The Register on October 3, 1~, an~ that no cc~aunications er objections <br />been received. There being no response to the l~ayor's call for tostitos, <br />the hear~ was closed. <br /> <br />It was ~oved by Co~ucilw~ Rubbar~, seco-dod By Counci~-~ Gilmore and carrie~, <br />that Council approve the reclassification a~ t-~truct the City Attorney to <br />prepare an a~aend~h~g ordinance aceor~-~ to Exhibit AA 519 A. <br /> <br />~AR~G - Nayor Hall opene~ the heari~ ob <br />A~t~. APP. 521 A~ond~ent Applicatiom 521 filed by <br />COP~ Rosahelle Corry to a~en~ Sectional <br /> District Map 15-5-10 by reclassifying <br />fron the R 1 a~d R 2 to the C 2 district property on the sooth si~e of First <br />between Sullivan an~ 175 feet west of Fairviewo P~-_~ Commission Resolution <br />5700 rec~maen~ed approval of ~hibit AA 521 R, which w~ul~ reclassil~y to the <br />C 2 and R 1 B ~istricts. The Clerk reported that notice of the hearing was <br />published in The Register on October 3, 1~, ~ that no c~w~w-,~catica~s or <br />objections had been received. There be!~ no response to the Nayor's call for <br />test~o~y, the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />It was moved by C~dncilman Hubbard, seconded by Couuci~m~ Gilmore and carried, <br />that Council approve the reclassification and ~truct the City Attormey to <br />prepare an a~ending ordinance according to Exhibit AA ~21 Bo <br /> <br />APPEAL 138, V.A. 2005 <br /> <br />Mayor Hall opened the hearing on Appeal <br />138 filed by Ja~es Lukens frc~ the <br />pla.,~,_m C~,~esion,s ~ial of <br />V~i~ce App~cati~ 200~ to const~ct <br />a ~i~-~ ~ ~ the R 1 district at 1~6 E. ~o~. ~e Clerk ~po~ <br />that n~ice of the h~ ~s ~iled to ~Jacent ~o~y ~ers ~ <br />~tober ~, 1~, ~ t~t c~catio~ ~ ~positi~ ~ been recei~ <br />fr~ the foll~g: Petiti~ with appr~te~ ~ si~at~es su~tt~ <br />By ~1 Nic~l, 1119 E. Gr~fith P~ce; letters ~ ~. ~ ~s. ~a~ <br />Feduccia, 1~0 ~f~; ~ence L. ~ey, ~2B S. ~r~een; Patsy G. <br />~fe~y~ ~s. J~ ~, 1~6 E. ~f~; ~. ~ ~s. ~th~ E. Ross, <br />111~ E. ~fo~; ~ ~s. D. M. ~, ~ E. ~f~. ~ ~ion of Co~ci~- <br />~bb~d, sec~ by C~c~ Gi~e ~ c~i~, the c~icatio~ ~re <br />o~e~a filed. <br /> <br />ffa~es Lukens, 1836 Wo E~Eer, described the type of building he planned to <br />erect, stating it would not be a processing plant, a.~ woul~ not be noisy. <br />~e offere~ to cha~ge the location of the building in order to remove the <br />traffic fron the west side, placing a six foot wall along the property's edge, <br />a~d placing the driveway on Oxford. ~r. Lukens described the area, stating <br />that it was bec~aing c~w~ercialized, and stated he had received at least six <br />calls in favor of the application. <br /> <br />~a~es Eu~o, 1110 E. Oxford, acting as spoke~m~n for the opponents, protested <br />that children ta~g naps woold be ~isturbed, that there is almost a constant <br />flow of children frc~ a~d to school, and that there was ~-aufficient room <br />for the driveways as plak-ed. Re also objected to the neglected condition <br />of the property since purchased by Mr. Lukens, and asked that individual <br />homeowners be protected from this commercial intrusion. <br />CIT~ COUNCIL - 75 - <br /> <br /> <br />