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Council agreed and Yice ~yor Oil~ore directed the Clerk to bring the matter <br />back to Council on September 2Oth. <br /> <br />Ff~ ROAD PAI~t~G The Public Works Director reported <br /> on a meeting with representatives <br /> of U. S. Rubber and businesses on <br /> the south side of Dyer Road regar~ing <br />the problems resulting frc~ the removal of par~n~ on the north side of Dyer; <br />that all parties are agreeable to seei~ how the situation will resolve itself <br />if employees of U. S. Rubber park in their off-street facility. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Gilmore directed the Clerk to place the matter on calendar in <br />three months for Council review. <br /> <br />P~0se~L On motion of Councilman Burk, <br /> seconded by Councilman Berrin and <br /> carried, Ccmncil ordered filed a <br /> report fr~a the Personnel Boaxxl <br />of its discussion regarding the 196~ Chamber of Cc~z~rce recoa~ndaticms on <br />personnel matters. <br /> <br />BOWERS MUSEUM Council~a~. Brooks reported that <br /> members of the Board and the <br /> Foundation ha~ been appointed to <br /> the Chamber of Ccmaerce c~ittee <br />investigating the possibility of mw~g the ~useum self-sua~a/ning; that <br />Mrs. Weston Walker had suggested the museum be made a county-wi~e ~lseumo <br /> <br />Madelyn Cenkar, 206 S. Flintridge, stated property owners still would be <br />taXed. Fra~ ~elinas, explained the Chamber of Commerce reccmaendation was <br />not to increage taXes and the Museum would still remain a Santa Ana institution. <br /> <br />SANTIAGO C~.:~M Mr. Gates Burrows~ ~0 River Lane, <br /> discussed with C~uncil the <br /> possibility of ~eveloping the <br /> Santiago Creek Bed as a "wi~ are~". <br />On motion of Counc~ Brooks, secouded by Cc~ucilman llerrin an~ carried, <br />Council referred the ~atter to the Parks and Recreation Board for study and <br />reccmaendation in conJunctiom with the staff an~ property owners. <br /> <br />ASS'T. ATTar. Council~m B~rk i~quired what progress <br /> had been made toward amploying an <br /> Assistant City Attorney. The City <br /> Attorney replied he wished to ~iscuss <br />with Council the possibility of having two deputies instead of one-deputy and <br />an assistant. CeuncNl~ Burk re~iade~ the City Attorney that he was one-thil~l <br />of the way toward the October 1st deadline. <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />C~uncil recesse~ at ~:B0 p.m. to <br />E~ecutive Session to d/scuss an <br />appointment to the Bowers Memorial <br />Mus eu~ Board. <br /> <br />Council reconvened at 5:0~ p.m. with <br />all members present, and on motion <br />of Councilman Bark, seconded by <br />Conncil~anHerrin and carried, <br />recessed to 7:BO p.m. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL - 328 - August 16, 196~ <br /> <br /> <br />