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The neeting was rec~vened nt 7:30 p.m. in the Council Che~oere; with all <br />Counc~laen !~resent. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; the <br />~nvocation vas delivered by Counciluan Brooks. <br /> <br />SCROLL <br /> <br />Dr. Ralph O. C~dm, President of the newl~ <br />formed Santa And Residents Council, <br />presented Mayor Harvey with a scroll <br />granting honorary Re~oership to the <br />organization. <br /> <br />AM~. APP. 550 Rearing continued fro~ July 6, 1~5 was <br />Y~E opened on A~end~ent Application 550 filed <br /> by Clara Vose proposiug the a~end~ent <br /> of Sectional District Hap 2-5-10 by <br />reclassifying fr~ul~ 1 andA 1 to the A 1, :R ~; LP, CD, C b end C ~ R <br />districts, property south of Me~or~ T~e and west of Bristol. PlAnning <br />Commission ResOlution 57~2 recon~en&ed approval of Exhibit C, which would <br />reclassify to the R 1, R ~ an~[ LP districts. The Clerk reported that a <br />letter fron Dean Evans, the applicant's representative, requested contin,,a~-.e <br />to September 2Oth. <br /> <br />On notion of CounciluanDrooks, seconded byCouncilmm ~urkend carria~l, <br />Council continued thehearing to September 20, 1~5, 7:30 Po~., in the Council <br />Chanber. <br /> <br />AM~. APP. 559 Rearfn~ was opene~ ~ A~endlent Application <br />B~l~ 559 filed by R. J~. Berry propos~ to <br /> a~end Sectional District Map 8-5-10 by <br /> reclassifying fron the R 1 to the C 1 <br />district, property on the northwest corner of Bolsa and Cooper. Planning <br />Col~ission Resolution 57~ reccamended approval. The Clerk reported that <br />notice of the hearing had been publishe~l in The Register ~ 31~ 1~5 and <br />that no written conaunications had been filed. There being no response to <br />the Mayor's call for testinony, the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />On motion of Counciluan J(cMichael; seconded By Counciluan Rerrin and carried, <br />Counci! approve~ the reclassification an~ instructed the City Attorney to <br />prepare an smending ordinance according to Exhibit A o <br /> <br />AP~. APP. 560 Hearing was Opened on Amendment Application <br />JEHKIHfl 560 file~ by Veluont Jenkins proposing <br /> to auend Sectional Ristrict Map 1-5-10 <br /> by reclassifying fron the R 1 to the R 1 B <br />district, proper~y en the east side of ~er between 17th and 21st Streets. <br />p~m,,~ Cmmission Resolution 57~6 recoa~ended approval. Tho Clerk reported <br />tha~ n~cice of the hearing had been l~blished in The Register ~ B1; <br />and that no written c~maunications had been file~lo Velmont ~enkins, 1711 <br />Raker, applicant, stnted he was available for questioning. There being no <br />response to the Mayor's call for testinon~, the hearin~ was close~lo <br /> <br />On action of Councilman~errin, seconded By Councilman Bark and carrie~, <br />Council approveel the reclassificatic~ an~ instructed the City Attorney to <br />prepore an a~endtn~ ordinance according to Exhibit Ac <br /> <br />~ARA~ ~earing was opened on proposed vacation <br />ST. VACATIO~ of a portion of street right of way on <br />RES. 6~-133 the south side of Edinger Avenue, 1~5 <br /> feet west of Flower Street. The Clerk <br />reported that n~cice of the hearing had been published on ~ly B1, 1~5 <br />and posted on Augast 6, 1~; ami that no written co~mnlcatioas had been <br />file~. <br /> <br />cl~ c~c~ - 3~ - Au~uet 16, 1~5 <br /> <br /> <br />