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(1) Opposition to Senate Bill 489 regarding mandatory <br /> maximum 56 hour week for Fireman~ a clear invasion <br /> of h~me rule principle; <br /> <br />(2) Opposition to Senate Bill 876 repealing park dedication law; <br /> <br />(3) Support of measures regarding Telephone In Lieu Taxes. <br /> <br />ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER <br /> <br />The City Manager introduced David <br />Tayco, the new Assistant to the <br />City Manager. <br /> <br />NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES C ~ Ec) On motion of CounciLman Griset~ seconded <br />C01fFERENCE by Councilman Brooks and carried, the <br /> City Council designated J. Ogden Markel <br />as the voting delegate to the National League of Cities Conference in Boston <br />and instructed the Clerk of the Council to give him sufficient identification. <br /> <br />~'~ERAL BUILDING - CIVIC CENTER On motion of Councilman Thurman, seconded <br /> by Councilman Brooks and carried, th~ <br /> City Council authorized and instructed <br />the Mayer and City Attorney te go te Washington~ D~C. June 12-14 to participate <br />in the development of legislative language to make it possible for the location <br />of a major federal building in the City - County Civic Center. <br /> <br />CARLSON ABSENCE EXCUSED ca g~'~' On motion of Cotuucilman Herrin~ seconded <br /> by Councilm~n Griset and carried, the <br /> City Council excused Councilman Carlson <br />fr~n the June 19th meeting after he reported that he would be out of the City <br />June 16th to July lsto <br /> <br />RECESS At 5:20 P.Mo the meeting was recessed <br /> until 7:30 P.Mo at which time it was <br /> reconvened with all Councilmen present. <br />Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Invocation w~s delivered <br />by Brigadier Goldthwaite of The Salvation Army. <br /> <br />TAXI OPERATOR APPEAL ~ ~ %~ Hearing was opened on an appeal filed <br /> by John Breach from the Police Chief's <br /> denial of a permit to operate a taxi- <br />cab. The Clerk reported that notices were mailed as required by the Municipal <br />Code. The applicant was not present. The City M~uager recommended denial of <br />the permit. There being no further testimony, the heari~gwas closed° <br /> <br />0~ motion of Councilma~ Thurman, seconded by Councilman Griset and carried, <br />the appeal was denied. <br /> <br />AMEND. APP. 602 - BUCK C R e~ Hearing ~ras opened on Amendment Appli- <br /> cation 602 filed by Ronald Mo Buck <br /> proposing the amendment of Secional <br />District Nap 5-5-9 to reclassify property on the north side of Santa Clara, <br />west of Tustin from theLPto the C5 District. Plam_uing Co~ission Resolution <br />5806 recommended approval of Exhibit B which would reclassify to LPB District. <br />The Clerk reported notice of hearing published in The Register May 20, with <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL -201- June 5, 1967 <br /> <br /> <br />