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affidavit en file~ and no co~unications received. The Plamming Director <br />stated that the applicamt accepted the reco~endation ef the Plamming <br />Commission. There being no response to call for testimony, the hearing <br />was closed. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Griset~ seconded by Councilman Herrin and carried~ <br />that Council approve the reclassification and instruct the City Attorney to <br />prepare an amending ordinance according to Exhibit B. <br /> <br />SILVER DRIVE WEST ANNEX Hearing was epemed en proposed annex~ <br /> ation of four lets on Silver Drive. <br /> The Clerk reported notice ef ~hearing <br />published in The Register en May 27, 1967, and mailed totheproperty owners <br />on May 17, 1967, with affidavits on file, and that no written protests had <br />been received. Ralph Canfield, 10731 Silver Drive and Israael Zavala, 10732 <br />Silver Drive, stated they were in favor of the annexation. There being no <br />further testimony~ the hearing was closed. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION 67-74 DECLARING THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED "SILVER <br />DRIVE WEST ANNEX" TO THE CITY OF SANTA ANA was read bytitle. <br /> <br />It was moved by Councilman Brooks, seconded by CouucilmanMarkel, to adopt <br />Resolution 67-74, waiving further reading. On roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES: <br /> <br />Councilmen Herrin, Brooks, Carlson, Griset, ~4arkel, <br />Thurman, McMic hael <br /> <br />NOES: None <br /> <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />FINAL MAP TRACT 6374 On motion of Councilman Herrin, seconded <br /> by Councilman Carlson and carried, Final <br /> Map, Tract 637~, filed by Parkwood Homes, <br />creating 20 lots on the west side of Wright and the sou~h side of Santa Clara~ <br />was approved; dedications thereon were accepted; and execution of subdivision <br />agreement was authorized. <br /> <br />PARCEL MAP ~67 On motion of CounciLman Carlson~ seconded <br /> by Councilman Brooks and carried, Council <br /> approved Parcel Map 467~ filed by W. O. <br />Lewis, creating two parcels at the seuthweet corner of Concord and Santa Clara~ <br />subject to conditions, including correction to Condition 5c - that full width <br />sidewalks be placed en Santa Clara and on Concord - set out in the Plarz~ing <br />Director's report dated May ll, 1967, and waived alley requirement. <br /> <br />PARCEL MAP 511 Parcel Map 511, filed by Klatt & Mueller, <br /> creating three lots west of Tustin and <br /> north of 17th, was presented. Davis Burk, <br />95 Calle Encanto, Tucson, Arizona, representing the developer~ appealed Condition <br />4g in the Plazming Director's report dated May 26, 1967, regarding 60 foot <br />interior streets to coznaect 17th Street, and Tustin Avenue te the easterly <br />extensions of 20th Street and Catalina Avenue fr~m Tract 3902~ and requested <br />that the Municipal Code be amended for this type of development, which, when <br />completed over a two year period on a 22 acre site, weud encompass 534 apart- <br />ment units and be a community unto itself. Mr. Burk presented a petition <br />from home owners to the west stating they did not want the street to continue <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL -202- June 5, 1967 <br /> <br /> <br />