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CATS ~ ~ ~ The City Mamager repQrted that the <br /> staff was n~t recomme~li~g a change <br /> in present City ordinance te regulate <br />keeping of cats, since this would be a difficult area te legislate amd <br />enforces that it wQuld be best to take such matters up under the existing <br />provisions on the basis of semitatiea and muisaace rather than mumber ef <br />cats allewedo Om motie~ of Councilmen Thurman, seconded by Cc~mci~m~ <br />Griset amd carried, the Manager's report was approved° <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />Ceumc ilmen presemt o <br /> <br />At 3~30 PoMe a five minute recess <br />was declared° The meeting was <br />convened at 3E35 PoMe with all <br /> <br />CATV <br />commended: <br /> <br />The City Council co~sidered the City <br />Manager's report regar~di~g c~mmuaity <br />antenna television, in which he rec- <br /> <br />me <br /> <br />The preparatiom of bidding specificatiens and framchise decumemts to <br />include notice inviting ~ffers and applications, instructions to <br />applicsmts, form of ,ffer, form of corporate surety bond to the City~ <br />form of corporate surety bond to subscribers, amd form of acceptance <br />of CATV frsachise. It is our imtention to award, a framchise contract <br />to the successful bidder based on the following fact~rs~ the amount <br />of framchise fee offered to the City, iastallatioa rates, rental rates, <br />quality of service, f~ancial responsibility of applicant, amd experi- <br />emce of applicamt o <br /> <br />The City Attorney sheul~ be directed te draft a specific ordinance te <br />enable the City t~ grant end control a franchise for the ce~structi*m~ <br />ef CAT~V facilities ~ <br /> <br />It will require approximately 'two mo~ths to ccm~plete the bidding <br />uments and the notice of advertisi~g should al~o ~nclude a notice sent <br />to the California C~mmunity Television A~sociation to imcrease the <br />sfbility of obtaining a maximum n,mmber of applications for this franchise. <br /> <br />It is our intention that the franchise should be made exclusive for the <br />first three years of operation te protect the large capital investment <br />required, and tha~ the franchise then would be aon~c]~sive for an <br />additional period of seventeem years° Si~ce thi~ t~e *f facility <br />probably willmake use of existing lines used by ti~e phone ccmpa~v <br />amd electric utilities~ it is our intentio~ t~ co~u~b with these <br />private utilities for their ad~lce ~nd guidance in the preparation <br />of our bidding specifications~ <br /> <br />I~ response to CounciLman Herrings question of ~he necessity for the control <br />of a framchise, the Manager commented on the r~quireme~t of fixed assets <br />similar to utilities rather than transporbable~ <br /> <br />It ~as moved by Councilman Bre~ks~ seconded 'by Councilman Thurman that the <br />Manager's r~cc~saendatioms ~n reper~ dated September 1~ 1967, be accepted <br />suad the staff prQceed wi%h the preparation of an ordimmmce draft amd bid <br />specifications. Couacd~mam Eerria ~eted that h~s agreement with this action <br />did net preclude the possiblity he might be opposed after further study~ The <br />metiom carried umamimously a~d Ceumcilmea Thurman suggested that framchises <br />mot be tramsferable. The Manager agreed they should mot. be without C~umcil <br />approval amd the staff w*uld explore the question of a~sig~ment~ <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL 289 September 18, 1967 <br /> <br /> <br />