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O~NEIL SIGN REQUEST The Plammimg Cmmaissiem report on <br /> proposed revisioms ef sigm regulatiems <br /> em property adJacemt te the freeway was <br />presemted te Council (resultimg fr~m 0~Neil applicatiom for 250 square feet <br />sign adJacemt te Newport Freeway em property at ~101 South Maim~ ) <br /> <br />Mr. Dick O~Neil, Presidemt ef 0~Neil~s Hasty Mevimg amd Storage, Imco, reviewed <br />the reasems for requestimg the sigm, stated they would like te include time amd <br />temperature im the siga, amd shewed aa ar~ist~s sketch ef the proposed sigmo <br /> <br />Coumcil discussed at length the presemt C~e provisioms amd the requirememts of <br />ether cities, reported by Ceuacilmam Brooks. <br /> <br />Om metiom of C~umcil~ Thurm-~, seconded by Ceumcilmam Griset amd carrie~ the <br />City Attermey was instructed te draft aa erdimaace al~mg the limes sub~itted by <br />the Plaami~g Cem~issiem, with the exceptiem. ~hat a limitatiem of 250 square <br />feet rather tham 100 square feet be allowed. <br /> <br />MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK Om m~tiem of Ceumcilmam Herrim, sece~de~ <br /> by Ceu~cilmam Griaet amd carried, a <br /> reselutiem was ordered autherizimg a <br />mid-block crosswalk em First Street west ef Wright Street, im accerdamce <br />with the recam~ea~atioms im Public Works Director's report dated September 12~ 1967o <br /> <br />SAFE~Y COUNCIL ~HIP <br />$1oo0 per employee. <br /> <br />The City Mamager~s report recemmemdimg <br />membership in the Orange Coumty Safety <br />Ceumcil was cemsidere~, at a cost of <br /> <br />A metiem by Coumcil~ Griset, secemde~ by Coumcilms~ Breeks~ te Jeim the <br />Oraage Ceumty Safety Ceuacil was adopted em roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT <br /> <br />Brooks, Carlsem, Griset, Thurmam, McMichael <br />Nerrin, Markel <br /> <br />GRAND AVENUE CNANNELIZATION Cemsideratiea of cha~elizatiem ef <br /> Gramd Avemue at Washimgtem amd at <br /> Fruit Street amd removal ef parkimg <br />was cemtimued to the next meetimg, em,. metiea of Ceumcilmam Brooks, secomded <br />by Councilma~ Nerrim smd carried. <br /> <br />PUBLIC DOCW~E~TS D~ff Helsimg, attoraey represemting <br /> F~'eedeea New~papers~ Imc~ ami The <br /> Re~ister, pre~e~te~ a letter asking <br />the City Ceumcll to set a policy em the release ef public ~ec~memts~ a~i <br />offered te work with the City Attermey in the Drepara~iea. <br /> <br />It was moved by Ceu~cilmam Thurmam~ secom~ded by Ceumcilma~ Herrl~ to order <br />the letter filed saxd refer te the City At~ermey for recemmemdatiem. A <br />himter~ of a recemt instaace ef privileged c~amunicatiem betweem the Attermey <br />amd the Clerk of the Ceumcil regarding Sch~ol Beard member's qualificatiem <br />was give~ by the City Atter~eyo <br /> <br />The City Mamager cemmemted em policy being flellewed which he felt was withim <br />the State law, amd the metiom te order the l~¥~ter filed amd refer te Attormey <br />was adepted o <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL 290 September 18, 1967 <br /> <br /> <br />