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<br />INSURED: ImageWare Systems, Inc. <br />COMPANY: Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company <br /> <br />POLICY #: 7110052520001 <br />POLICY PERIOD: 711012005 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE 512612006 <br /> <br />TO 711012006 <br /> <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POUCY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSUREDS BY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT <br />OR PERMIT <br /> <br />This endotMment modifies insurance provided under the folklwilg: <br /> <br />CQt,,>NERCIAL GENERAL LIABIlITY COVERAGE FORM <br /> <br />The WHO IS AN INSURED section Is amended to include a. an insured any pe""'" or organization wIlh Whom you <br />agreed In a written oonlrael, written agreamant or pell11il to provida In.unmce suen as Is afforded under this <br />Coverage Pari, bUt only with respect to your operations. )'our work" or f1Ici_ _ Of used by you. <br />This prcMsjo~ does no! apply: <br />1. Unless the written contract, agreeme~t or permk has an effec1ive date and has been issued prior to the "bodily <br />i~jury", "",operty damage". "personal and advertising injury" or "personal injury" or "adll8rtising ...jury" <br />(wrnchever dennlllo... are used In your polley); <br />2. To any person or organ_n ...eluded as an looured under the Additional Insured - Broad Form Vendors <br />PfO'/isi<l<1 of this endorsement; <br />3. To any person or ofll8l1lzallon included as an ","unod by an endo"",",enl issued by us and made part of tills <br />Coverage Pa rt; <br />4. Toanyl.-rofequlpmerrt; <br />a, Altw the eq uipment lease expO'es; or <br />b. If the 'bodily injury", "property damage', "personal and advertising Injury" or "personal injury" or "advertising <br />injury" (whichever de_ona are used in your polcy), erlses out 01 tile sole nagigence of the lessor; <br />5. To any parson or organ_n il1l1e "bocIly Injury", "property damage', "personal and advertising injury" or <br />"palllonallnjury" or "edverhing injury" (which...... deftnlllons ore used in your policy), arises out of the rendering <br />01 or !allure 10 render professlonal ""ovic... by or lor you; <br />6. To any: <br />a, Owners or other Inleresls Irom whom land has been leased; or <br />b. Managers... lessors at prem_1t: <br />(1) The 'occurrence" taI<es place after you cease 10 be a tenant in thai premises; or <br />(2) The "bodily injury", "property damage', "pelSOllal and advertising Injury" or "pe<sonal injury" or <br />"adveftising injury" (v.tlien...... definitions ere used In your policy), arlsell out of_rei alteraliollS, new <br />cons1nJction or demoition oparations performed by or on behaK oflhe owners or OIlIer interests from <br />whom land has been leasad. <br /> <br />0/j .1) <br />, if ~.____' 1,/ /./;' <br />" _>~"_.) ii,' <br />I <br /> <br />VCGU11t1l <br /> <br />Indudn~~QfINlUi!lne6~()f'b"lnc. <br />., A.tIn!cMl.UIll~ Cornptny, 1998 <br /> <br />PBQt 1 ot 1 <br />