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<br />One Broadway Plaza <br />Environmental Impact Report <br /> <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings <br /> <br />associated with their implementation. To help minimize impacts along Broadway Street, mitigation <br />measure T -7 is required. <br /> <br />T -7 The developer shall pay all costs (acquisition, design, construction, administration and <br />inspection) for providing southbound right-turn lane at the intersection of Broadway Street <br />and 17th Street. <br /> <br />Impacts to Intersections <br /> <br />Main Street & 1 ih Street. Mitigation measures to reduce potential traffic impacts at the <br />intersection of Main Street and 17th Street to a level considered less than significant have been <br />detennined to be not feasible due to significant land use impacts associated with their <br />implementation. To help minimize impacts at the intersection, mitigation measures T -4, T -5 and T- <br />6 are required. Mitigation measures T5 and T6 were provided earlier. Mitigation measure T4 is <br />provided below. <br /> <br />T-4 <br /> <br />Main Street, between 1 ih Street and the 1-5 ramps, shall have all on-street parking <br />stalls and parking meters removed, and Main Street shall be restriped to provide three <br />northbound and two southbound travel lanes. The proj ect proponent shall pay all costs <br />(design, construction, administration and inspection) associated with these removals <br />and re-striping when building pennits are issued. <br /> <br />Broadway & 17th Street. Mitigation measures to reduce potential traffic impacts at the intersection <br />of Broadway Street and 17th Street to a level considered less than significant have been detennined <br />to be not feasible due to significant adverse land use impacts associated with their implementation. <br />To help minimize impacts at the intersection, mitigation measure T-7, provided earlier, is required. <br /> <br />Main Street & W ashington Avenue. Mitigation measures to reduce potential traffic impacts at the <br />intersection of Main Street and Washington Avenue to a level considered less than significant have <br />been detennined to be not feasible due to significant adverse land use impacts associated with their <br />implementation. To help minimize impacts at the intersection, mitigation measure T -1 is required. <br /> <br />The developer shall pay all costs (design, construction, administration and inspection) <br />for W ashington Avenue and 10th Street to operate as one-way streets which include <br />signal modifications and appropriate frotected left-turn signal at Main <br />Street/W ashington Avenue, Main Street/lOt Street, W ashington Avenue/Sycamore <br />Street, Bro~dway Street/W ashington Avenue and Broadway Street/10th Street. <br /> <br />Broadway Street & 4th Street. Mitigation measures to reduce potential traffic impacts at the <br />intersection of Broadway Street and 4th Street to a level considered less than significant have <br />been detennined to be not feasible due to significant adverse land use impacts associated with <br />their implementation. No mitigation is proposed. <br /> <br />T-1 <br /> <br />1 st Street and Flower Street. Mitigation measures to reduce potential traffic impacts at the <br />intersection of 1 st Street and Flower Street to a level considered less than significant have been <br /> <br />U/vfregoso/wp51/reports/One Broadway final findings <br />June 28, 2004 <br /> <br />Page 14 <br />