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<br />(A) No Impact <br /> <br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR, <br />are no scenic vistas on the project site. Therefore, <br />implementation of the proposed project would not result in <br />significant aesthetic impacts to any scenic resources. <br /> <br />there <br /> <br />(B) No Impact <br /> <br />According to the City's General Plan Land <br />are no State Highways within the viewshed <br />Therefore, implementation of the proposed <br />impact any scenic resources along a State <br /> <br />Use Element EIR, there <br />of the project site. <br />project would not <br />Highway. <br /> <br />(C) <br /> <br />Less Than Significant Impact <br /> <br />The General Plan Urban Design Element identifies that the <br />project site is located within the Cabrillo Park Design <br />District. The Urban Design Element establishes goals and <br />policies to help guide the design of land uses proposed within a <br />Design District. Specifically, land uses proposed within a <br />Design District should exhibit high quality design and should <br />incorporate design elements that are proportional and <br />aesthetically related to the District setting. <br /> <br />The proposed monopole would be stealth and constructed in the <br />form of a flagpole. The monopole would be situated within an <br />existing landscape planter. Two 24-inch box Canary Island Pine <br />Trees would be provided in the parking lot where the monopole is <br />proposed. Additionally, Boston Ivy Vines would be provided <br />around the equipment enclosure area. <br /> <br />Through the City's development review process, the proposed <br />project was determined to be consistent with the City's Urban <br />Design Element. Compliance with the Urban Design Element would <br />reduce potential aesthetics impacts to a level considered less <br />than significant. Therefore, implementation of the proposed <br />project would not degrease the existing visual character of the <br />project site or surrounding project area. <br /> <br />(D) No Impact <br /> <br />The project site is currently approved and surrounded by onsite <br />street lighting. The proposed project would not introduce <br />substantial amounts of new light and glare into the project <br />area. Implementation of the proposed project would not result in <br />significant light and glare impacts. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />31Ä~1 <br />