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<br />II. AGRICULTURE <br /> <br />(A.B.C) No Impact <br /> <br />The City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR indicates that <br />there are no prime or unique farmlands designated on the project <br />site. Additionally, none of the project site is under any <br />existing Williamson Contracts. Implementation of the proposed <br />project would not result in adverse impacts to agriculture <br />resources. <br /> <br />III. AIR QUALITY <br /> <br />(A) No Impact <br /> <br />The proposed project site is located within the South Coast Air <br />Basin and subject to the requirements of the Clear Air Act at <br />both the Federal and State level, as implemented by the South <br />Coast Air Quality Management District. The South Coast Air <br />Quality Management Plan (AQMP) is the primary planning document <br />to monitor if air quality standards and objectives are being <br />achieved in the South Coast Air Basin. The air quality <br />obj ectives in the AQMP are based upon population and growth <br />projections provided in regional plans and local general plans. <br />A project could be in conflict with the AQMP if it results in <br />population and growth impacts beyond those identified in <br />regional plans or local general plans. <br /> <br />The proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan <br />and would not result in growth projections beyond those <br />established in the General Plan. Therefore, implementation of <br />the proposed proj ect would not be in conflict with the growth <br />projections and air quality objectives established in the South <br />Coast AQMP. <br /> <br />(B.C.D) Less Than Significant Impact <br /> <br />As mentioned previously, the South Coast Air Quality Management <br />District (SCAQMD) regulates air quality in the South Coast Air <br />Basin. The SCAQMD considers an air quality impact to be <br />significant if it exceeds the thresholds identified below. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />31Ä~22 <br />