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<br />The City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR indicates that <br />there are not any known cultural resources within the vicinity <br />of the project site. The project site is situated within an <br />existing commercial center. The potential for the discovery of <br />unknown cultural resources is very low. Additionally, the <br />proposed project would not involve any construction activities <br />that would result in the uncovering of unknown cultural <br />resources. Implementation of the proposed project would not <br />result in adverse impacts to any known or unknown cultural <br />resources. <br /> <br />v. <br /> <br />GEOLOGY/SOILS <br /> <br />(A-l) No Impact <br /> <br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR there <br />are no active earthquake faults, or Alquist-Priolo Earthquake <br />Zones on the project site. Therefore, the proposed project would <br />not be subject to ground rupture risks. <br /> <br />(A-2) Less Than Significant Impact <br /> <br />The project site is situated within a highly active seismic <br />region of southern California. The Newport/Inglewood Fault, <br />located approximately 8-miles south from the City and the <br />Whittier Fault located approximately 13-miles north from the <br />City are considered to be the most dominant faults in regard to <br />potential seismic shaking impacts. Along the Newport/Inglewood <br />and the Whittier Fault an estimated maximum earthquake on the <br />magnitude of 7.0 could potentially occur. A seismic event of <br />this scale could result in significant damage to the project <br />site. However, the seismic risks at the project site are not <br />considered significantly different from other areas in the <br />southern California region. Additionally, the proposed project <br />does not involve the construction of any habitable structures <br />that would be subject to seismic shaking impacts. Implementation <br />of the proposed proj ect would not increase risk for seismic <br />risks. Additionally, the proposed project would be required to <br />comply with applicable sections of the Uniform Building Code <br />seismic Safety Standards to minimize potential seismic shaking <br />impacts. <br /> <br />(A-3) Less Than Significant Impact <br /> <br />According to the City's <br />proj ect site is located <br />very low liquefaction <br /> <br />General Plan Land Use Element EIR, the <br />in an area that is characterized with <br />hazards. The proposed project would <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />3 ti\~~a <br />