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SB 325 FUNDS Council considered letter dated April 4, <br /> 1972 from Orange County Supervisor <br /> Ralph Bo Clark urging participation in <br />a coordinated environmental enhancement program. Councilman Patterson stated <br />that the City is not being asked to commit all of the funds that would be received <br />from the State Sales Tax or Gasoline Tax, but to allocate a portion of the money <br />for the environmental enhancement of the community; that he believed the program <br />should be supported even though no money is allocated; that funds should be set <br />aside for this purpose in the future; and that the chances of obtaining State or <br />Federal funds would be greatly increased if the City is ~cooperating with the program. <br /> <br />Mayor Griset stated that it was his understanding that all of the money available <br />from this source is already committed; that the City should cooperate in every way <br />possible without committing funds; that if surplus funds are received that could be <br />used for this project, he would heartily endorse it. Councilmen ¥illa, Yamamoto, <br />and Markel also spoke in favor of the program. <br /> <br />Councilman Patterson's motion, seconded by Councilman Markel, to authorize the <br />League delegate to support, in principle, the environmental enhancement program <br />proposed by Supervisor Clark was carried on the following roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />Patterson, Markel, Villa, Griset, Yamamoto <br />Evans, Her rin <br />None <br /> <br />POPULATION ESTIMATE On motion of Councilman Patterson, <br /> seconded by Councilman Herrin, and <br /> unanimously carried, Council received <br />and ordered filed letter dated April 20, 1972 from the State Department of Finance <br />estimating the population of the City of Santa Aha on February 1, 1972 at 170, 000. <br /> <br />CAL~VET FARM AND On motion of Councilman Herrin, <br />HOME LOAN MEASURE seconded by Councilman Evans, and <br /> unanimously carried, Council instructed <br />the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution of Endorsement of the Cai-Vet farm and <br />home loan measure on the June primary ballot, as requested in letter dated April 19, <br />1972 from Citizens for Cal-Vet Proposition 1. <br /> <br />PROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT The City Manager s~ted that the proposed <br />DELHI COMMUNITY CENTER agreement involves a very small piece of <br /> property immediately adjacent to property <br />Occupied by the Delhi Community Center Association; that they are developing the <br />property for their purposes; that the property covered by the agreement is a residual <br />piece created when Halladay Street was constructed; that the Association cannot pay <br />for the property; that staff is asking for permission to negotiate a fair and equitable <br />price for a continuing short term lease with the Association. <br /> <br />Councilman Yamamoto's motion, seconded by Councilman Herrin, to authorize staff <br />to prepare an agreement with the Delhi Community Center Association for lease of <br />a small area of city-owned surplus property on the southwest corner of Central and <br />Halladay, carried on the following roll call vote: <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br /> <br />Yamamoto, Herrin, Villa, Evans, Griset, Patterson, Markel <br />None <br />None <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />-191- Mayl, 1972 <br /> <br /> <br />