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RESOLUTION72-53 <br />CONDEMNATION OF <br />REAL PROPERTY <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Patterson, <br />seconded by Councilman Villa, and <br />unanimously carried, the full reading <br />of Resolution 72-53 was waived. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 72-53 RESOLUTION <br />OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SANTA ANA <br />AUTHORIZING CONt)EMNATION OF <br />REAL PROPERTY FOR IIvIPROVEMENTS <br />OF FIRST STREET WEST OF LYON STREET TO THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY <br />was adopted on motion of Councilman Patterson, seconded by Councilman villa, <br />and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />LAFC REPRESENTATIVES Councilman Patterson stated that the <br /> Orange County League of Cities will <br /> be meeting to select two City <br />representatives to the Local Agency Formation Corrurnission that the vacancies <br />were created when Mayor Coco of Tustin, and Councilman Northrup of San Clemente, <br />were not re-elected; that the names submitted must be Councilmen from cities in <br />Orange County; and he requested the Council's voting instructions° <br /> <br />Councilman Yamamoto's motion, seconded by Councilman Villa, to authorize <br />Councilman Patterson to represent the City of Santa Aha in electing two LAFC <br />representatives as he deems best, was unanimously carried. <br /> <br />RIDE-ALONG PROGRAIVI tVlr~, Earl Schmidt~ 1117 S~ Arapaho, <br />SANTA ANA POLICE DEPARTIVIENT requested Council!s thoughts on a <br /> Ride-Along Program with the Santa Aha <br />Police Department. The City Manager stated that there are many problems, <br />including legal ones; that such programs have been instituted in other cities .with <br />very minimal success; that everyone is looking for good public relations programs <br />for the Police Department; but the decision in the past has been that there are more <br />negative factors than positive. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />The Mayor declared the meeting <br />adjourned at 10:30 P.M. <br /> <br />Florence I. Malone <br />Clerk of the Council <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL -192- Mayl, 1972 <br /> <br /> <br />