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<br />LES 8/23/04 <br />City Commuter Station, North Harbor, South Main, and Bristol Corridor <br />Redevelopment Projects. <br /> <br />N. In conformity with the requirements of CRL Section 33490, <br />the Agency has previously adopted and has in place an implementation plan for <br />the Existing Plan and each of the constituent project areas ("Implementation <br />Plan") that describes the redevelopment project areas, the specific goals and <br />objectives for the project areas, and the specific programs, including potential <br />projects and estimated expenditures proposed during the five (5) year term of <br />such Implementation Plan, and further, the Implementation Plan includes an <br />explanation of how the goals, objectives, programs, and expenditure will <br />eliminate blight in the Project Area and implement the affordable housing <br />requirement of the CRL. <br /> <br />O. The Implementation Plan in place is current for the <br />applicable five-year period, and does not require amendment in connection with <br />this Amendment or other merger proceedings. <br /> <br />P. These proceedings for the merger of all existing project <br />areas have proceeded pursuant to and in conformity with CRL Section 33486 <br />through the proposed amendment of each affected redevelopment plan for each <br />constituent project area as provided in Article 12 of CRL Section 33450, et. seq. <br /> <br />Q. Section 33457.1 of Article 12 provides that to the extent <br />warranted by a proposed amendment to a redevelopment plan, the reports and <br />information required by Sections 33352 and 33367 will be prepared. <br /> <br />R. The Agency prepared and circulated a Negative Declaration <br />on the proposed Amendment in accordance with the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (Public Resources Code 9 21000 et. seq.), the Guidelines for <br />Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Title 14, California <br />Code of Regulations, 9 15000 et. seq.), and environmental procedures adopted <br />by the Agency pursuant thereto. <br /> <br />S. The City Council has considered the report and <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Negative Declaration, the <br />Report to the City Council of the Agency, the Amendment to the Existing Plan, <br /> <br />11 B-44 <br />