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<br />LES 8/23/04 <br />has provided an opportunity for all persons to be heard, and has received and <br />considered all evidence and testimony presented for or against any and all <br />aspects of the Amendment and has made written findings in response to each <br />written objection of an affected property owner or taxing entity, if any, filed with <br />the Clerk of the Council before or during such joint public hearing. <br /> <br />T. All actions required by law have been taken by all <br />appropriate public bodies. <br /> <br />SECTION 2. Based on the evidence in the record, including, but not <br />limited to, the Agency's Report to the City Council on the Amendment prepared in <br />accordance with CRL Section 33352, and all documents referenced therein, and <br />evidence and testimony received at the joint public hearing on adoption of the <br />Amendment held on September 7, 2004, and the Original Ordinances, the City <br />Council hereby makes the following findings and determinations as warranted by <br />the Amendment: <br /> <br />A. The implementation of the Amendment (and the other <br />amendments causing the merger) will promote the public peace, health, safety <br />and welfare of the City of Santa Ana and will effectuate the purposes and policies <br />of the CRL. This finding is based on the fact that the Amendment is and will be <br />of substantial benefit to the community and contribute to the revitalization of <br />blighted areas through increased economic vitality of such areas, and increased <br />and improved housing opportunities, in particular the financial benefits and <br />feasibility of the Merged Project Area that will accrue due to the merger. <br /> <br />B. The carrying out of the Amendment would promote the <br />public peace, health, safety and welfare of the City and would effectuate the <br />purposes and policies of the CRL. This finding is based on the fact that <br />redevelopment will benefit the Project Area and the Merged Project Area as a <br />whole by correcting conditions of blight and by coordinating public and private <br />actions to stimulate development and improve the economic and physical <br />conditions of the Merged Project Area including the Project Area. <br /> <br />C. The adoption and carrying out of the Amendment is <br />economically sound and feasible. This finding is based on the fact that under the <br />Existing Plan and the Amendment the Agency will continue to be authorized to <br /> <br />11 B-45 <br />