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NS-2656 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and One Broadway Plaza LLC, 1200 N. Main LLC, and 845 Broadway, LLC
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2004 (NS-2641 - NS-2673)
NS-2656 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and One Broadway Plaza LLC, 1200 N. Main LLC, and 845 Broadway, LLC
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 1:01:26 PM
Creation date
9/14/2004 5:36:02 PM
City Clerk
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<br />4. <br /> <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS. <br /> <br />4.1 Property S1IbJeet to die Åp'eemeat. Until released pumwtt to the <br />provisions of Section 83 below, no property sbaIl be released from this A¡reement until Property <br />Owner bas mDy performed its obliptioas arising out ortbe A¡reement. <br /> <br />4.2 Durado. 9' Acreemeøt The tam of this Agreement shall for seven <br />years; provi~ however tbatthe Owøor may request one two-year en=osiOtl Û'Om the Executive <br />Director of the P1amùng and BuiIdiDI Â.fI!IMY. whichroquest shall not be unreasonably denied. <br />Noðùng herein shall be deemed to apply, however, to faturediscretionary acts re1atod to the <br />Project, as set fOlth in ExhibitD, which Owner hu not obtained as oftbe effective date oflbis <br />Agrcement.or changes in the Project proposed by Owner during the term oftbis Agreement <br />incooaisCent with die Prc-ExiIting Approval Bntitlements. <br /> <br />4.2.1 TotH1I8 ofAgreemeBt Burial Foree Majeure Evat. Perfotmaøce by <br />Owner or the City shaU not be deemed to be in default, and pedbuuancc and the œrm. of the <br />Development A¡reemeDt shall be toned. where delays or deØu1ts are due to existenœ of a Foree <br />Majeure. Any such tolling shall_tend only for the duration of the cause of the delay. Bach <br />party claiming a Force Majeure shall. wi11ùn thirty (30) ofctiscovery of a claimed Force MaPue, <br />, notify the other party in writing of the Porœ Majeure and its claimed duration. <br /> <br />4.3 AØpmft!llt. Owner shall have the right to transfer or assipthe Property, <br />in whole or in part, to any person, entity (public or private), partDaShip, joint VCIItute, linn or <br />cotparlÛOn at any time during the term of this Agreement; provìded,. however, tho rights of <br />Owner under this A¡reemcnt may not be tønsfmed or aui¡ned un10u tho written consoat oCtile <br />Council is first obtained and any ttansfer or assignment of the rights under this Agreement shalt <br />inc1udein writing the assumption of the duties, obligations, and liabilities arising ftom this <br />Agreement if the City grants written consent to transfer the rights. Nor sba1l the tights of the <br />Owner hereunder be subj~t to ~cmt by attachment, execution, or proceedings under any <br />provi$ion of the Ban1aup1cy Act, and any such assignment or transfer shall be who11y void and of <br />no foœe and effect unless such written consent thereto be obtained ftom the Council. Such <br />transfer Or assignment sball not rolieveOwn~ of any duty, obligation or liability to City without <br />the consent of the City. Owner may assip it rights, duties and obligations under this Agreement <br />to an entity controlled percent (S 1 %) by Michael F. Harrah without the City's approv~, <br />but only upon written notice to the City. <br /> <br />, During the tenn oftbis A¡recment, any approved assignee or transferee orthe <br />rights under this Agreement shall observe and perfonn all orthe duties and obligations of Owner <br />contained in this A¡reement as such duties and obligations pertain to thcportion of the Property <br />transferred or assigned. A:t1y and aU approved successors and assignees of Owner shall have an <br />of the same ri~benefits. duties, obligations, and tiabilities of Owner under this Agreement. If <br />the Property is subdivided, any subdivided parcel maybe sold, mortgaged, bypothecate<4 <br />assigned. or transferred to, persons for development by them in accorc:iançe with the provisions of <br />this Agreement. Upon assignment. or transfer of the rights of Owner under this Agreement, the <br />obligations of Owner and the transferee or assignee shall be joint and several. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2656 <br />Page 8 of 45 <br /> <br />"'-".,,; <br /> <br />: <br />
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