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NS-2656 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and One Broadway Plaza LLC, 1200 N. Main LLC, and 845 Broadway, LLC
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2004 (NS-2641 - NS-2673)
NS-2656 - Approving a Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and One Broadway Plaza LLC, 1200 N. Main LLC, and 845 Broadway, LLC
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 1:01:26 PM
Creation date
9/14/2004 5:36:02 PM
City Clerk
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<br />. <br /> <br />4.4 Ameladmeut or CaDeelatioo .fA&reemeat 'Ibis Aøreemcnt maybe <br />amcDIedfi'omtime to time or cance11cd only by the mutual consent oflle parties, but only in the <br />same m8IU1er as its adoption by an ordinance as set forth in Government Code Section 65868. <br />The term "Asr=ment" or "Development Asr=ment" as used hemin s1W1 include any <br />amencimtmt property approvcdand executed. > <br /> <br />4.5 Ebl'oreemeøt. Notwithstanding Government Code Section 65865.4. this <br />Agreement is enforceable by any party to the Agreement in anymaœer provided by law. The <br />remedies provided in Section 7.4 of this AgreenHmt ¡baD not incIucIo.and City sha1l not be liable <br />for, any action in ~.p$, oxcept lor damages solely caused by its wi1Uù1 or intentional con<1uct, <br />or any costs or attomey's fees resulting from any dispute, controversy, action or inaction. or any <br />legal proceeding arising out oftbis Asr=ment, except whero suçh COlts and fees are incurred <br />solðly caused by the City's wmtùl or intentional conduct. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4.6 Bold HanDless. Property Owner agrees to and sbaI1 hold City, ìts <br />officers, agents and employees harmless from liability: (1) for d8ma~just compeusation, <br />restitution. judicial or equitable retiel arising out of claims for p«S01181 ÎnjUl)', including health, <br />and claims for property dAm... which mayaJ'Î$e ftom the direct or i:ndirect operations otthe <br />Property Owner or their contractoD, subcon1Dctor8, agents, emplo~ or other potSOns acting <br />on their behalf which relates to the Project; and (2) ftom any claim that damages, just <br />compeœation. restitution. judicial or equitable nslief is due by reason of the terms of or effects <br />arising ftom this Agreement. Tht fo~ma shall exclude claims based on thcCity's own <br />negHgence or intentioDal conduct. Property Owner agrees to pay all costs for the defense of the <br />City and its officers, agents and employees regarding any action for damages,just compensation. <br />restitution. judicial or equitable relief caused or alleged to have been caused by reason of <br />.Property Owner's actions in connection with the Project, any claims arising out of this <br />Agreement, or any approval or certification by the City relating to the Project (but excluding any <br />third party COSts, incurred by the City, including fees and costs for outside counsel and <br />consu1tants). This hold barmIess agreement applies to all claims for damages, just compensation, <br />resûtution, judicial or equitableœlief suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of the <br />events referred to in this paragrapb or due by reason of the terms of, or effects. arisin¡ftomthis <br />Agreement or any approval or certification bytbe City relating to the Project, regardless of <br />whether or not the City prepared, supplied or approved this Agreement, plans or specifications, <br />or both, for the Projcct.TheProperty Owner further agrees to indemnify, hold harmless. and pay <br />all coats for Ile defense of the City, excluding fees andCOBts for special counsel to be selected by <br />the City or other outâde counsel or oonsultanta, if any, .regardin¡ any action by a third party <br />challenging the validity of this Agreement or any approval or certification by the City reJating to <br />the Project, or asserting that damages, just compensation, restitution, judicial or equitable reliel is <br />due topersona1 or property rights by reason .of thetemts of; or eff'ects arising from this <br />Agreement. City may make all reasonable decisions with respect to its representation in any <br />legal proceeding. <br /> <br />4.7 BladJal Effect 01 Ap'eemeat. To the extent not otherwise provided in <br />Section 4.3 of this Agreement, the burdens oftbe Agreement bind. and the benefits of the <br />Agreement inure, to the parties' successors in interest. <br /> <br />-~ <br />@ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2656 <br />Page 9 of 45 <br />
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