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<br />South Coast Air Basin would be required to comply with AQMD Rule <br />403 to implement dust control measures. The purpose of Rule 403 <br />is to reduce the amount of particulate matter entrained in the <br />ambient air as result of human-made fugitive dust sources. <br /> <br />(C) Less Than Significant Impact <br /> <br />Implementation of the proposed project would not result in <br />growth that would exceed local growth forecasts for the Orange <br />County sub region and regional emissions budget developed by the <br />Southern California Association of Governments for the 1999 Air <br />Quality Management Plan. SCAG has determined that the air <br />pollution impacts of any project that conforms to local growth <br />forecasts would be mitigated by implementation of the South <br />Coast Air Quality Management Plan. <br /> <br />(D) Less than Significant Impact <br /> <br />As mentioned previously, implementation of the proposed project <br />would not result in significant long-term air quality impacts or <br />significant short-term air quality impacts. Additionally, the <br />proposed project would be required to comply with SCAQMD <br />Fugitive Dust Rule 403 to further reduce short-term air quality <br />impacts. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project <br />would not expose sensitive receptors to any substantial <br />concentrations of air quality pollutants. <br /> <br />(E) Less Than Significant Impact <br /> <br />Construction and operation of the proposed project would not be <br />expected to involve materials that would create significant <br />objectionable odors. <br /> <br />IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES <br /> <br />(A.B.C.D) No Impact <br /> <br />According to the California Department Fish and Game Natural <br />Diversity Data Base and the City's General Plan Land Use Element <br />EIR, there are no sensitive biological resources located on or <br />within the nearby vicinity of the project site. Therefore, <br />implementation of the proposed proj ect would not result in any <br />adverse impacts to any onsite sensitive biological resources. <br /> <br />V. CULTURAL RESOURCES <br /> <br />(A) No Impact <br /> <br />5 Page 70f32 <br />758-56 <br />