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the proclamation who stated that the Lung Association, in <br />existence since 1909, is charged with preventing and control- <br />ling lung disorders; that this action by the City of Santa Ana <br />demonstrates the City's support of its activities as it will <br />take everyone's effort to assure respiratory health to the <br />citizens. CA 46 <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF Mayor Garthe declared <br />GORDON P. WIGGINS FOR SEVEN that this was the time <br />ADDITIONAL TAXICAB PERMITS and place for the <br /> public hearing of the <br />appeal by Gordon P. Wiggins, dba Blue-White Cab Co., of the <br />decision of the Hearing Officer to deny his application for <br />permits to operate an additional seven taxicabs in thc City. <br /> <br />Thomas Drosman of the City Attorney's staff stated that the <br />hearing was held on October 3, 1975, before Mr. Robert J. Polis <br />in the Council Chambers; that evidence was presented by Mr. <br />Wiggins and his attorney; that the City Council had previously <br />determined that 50 certificates of convenience and necessity <br />to operate taxicabs would adequately serve the citizens of <br />Santa Ana; that Yellow Cab has 36 permits, Checker Cab has 2 <br />and Blue-White has 12; that there was no independent showing <br />that public convenience and necessity would be served by the <br />issuance of additional permits; and that the application was <br />denied. <br /> <br />Mr. Gordon Wiggins of Blue-White Cab Co. asked if there is a <br />limitation in the current ordinance to 50 cabs; the response <br />of the City Attorney was that there was no such. limitation. <br />Mr. Wiggins continued by saying that at the time of his ori- <br />ginal application he had 14 contracts with City firms for taxi <br />service and that he now has 20 contracts; that Mr. Gaines of <br />Yellow Cab only uses 28 of his 36 permits. Mr. Wiggins sub- <br />mitted 34 letters from companies, 32 letters from passengers, <br />and a statement signed by 72 individual customers of Blue-White <br />Cab Company endorsing additional permits for Blue-White Cab <br />Company. <br /> <br />Others speaking in favor of the appeal of Mr. Wiggins were: <br /> <br />George Brazier, former manager of Blue-White Cab Company <br /> <br />Adrian Taylor, 1233 South Rosewood <br /> <br />David Pate, E1 Toro <br /> <br />Kathy Jo Patrick, 2056 S. Halladay <br /> <br />Ed Morosky, Vivanos Bar <br /> <br />June Dyer, Dispatcher for Blue-White Cab Company <br /> <br />Ellie Councilman, 2330 West Chapman, Orange <br /> <br />Lauren Duvatl, 1606 So. Park Drive <br /> <br />Those in favor of the appeal stated that the seven additional <br />permits were needed to provide a high level of service to the <br />Company's customers; to eliminate deadheading and thus conserve <br />fuel; to reduce customers' excessive waiting time; to eliminate <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 509 DECEMBER 8, 1975 <br /> <br /> <br />