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loss of income for drivers who cannot pick up fares in Santa <br />Ana because they lack a permit; and that the letters and state- <br />ments prove that there is a need and necessity for more taxi- <br />cabs in the City. <br /> <br />The following person spoke in opposition to the appeal: <br /> <br />Barry Michaelson, 2122 N. Broadway <br /> <br />Mr. Michaelson stated that he represented Yellow Cab Co.; he <br />stated that all of the evidence had been submitted to the <br />hearing officer; that the City's ordinance establishes the <br />criteria and Blue-White Cab Co., has not met the criteria for <br />the seven additional permits. <br /> <br />Mr. Gordon Wiggins spoke in rebuttal to the opposition stating <br />that convenience and necessity are not defined in the ordinance, <br />which in effect, "leaves the hearing officer's decision up in <br />the air." <br /> <br />There were no further speakers, so the Mayor closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Because' the Hearing Officer's report indicated that the2e~as <br />not sufficient evidence to grant additional certificates of <br />convenience and necessity, Councilman Ward asked if there was <br />a procedure to review the proportion of certificates held by <br />each company. The City Attorney's response was that there is <br />a provision that would allow the Police Chief or the City <br />Manager to suspend or revoke a certificate of convenience if <br />the holder allows the number of vehicles to fall below the num- <br />ber of permits issued; that to establish another:procedure <br />would require an ordinance change. <br /> <br />On the motion of Councilman Yamamoto, seconded by Councilman <br />Evans, the report of the hearing officer was received and filed, <br />his decision Upheld, and the appeal of Gordon Wiggins of Blue- <br />White Cab Company denied on a 5-1 vote with Councilman Bricken <br />dissenting. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken stated for the record that the issue is not <br />one of unbridled competition; that the issue of free enter- <br />prise is involved and each Councilman must determine where to <br />draw the line; that he favors granting the permits because they <br />can be withdrawn if necessary; that the relationship between <br />supply and demand cannot be precisely determined which would <br />make it difficult to reapportion the number of permits; that <br />the Blue-White Cab Co. request is reasonable and they have pre- <br />sented as much evidence as is possible on the broad issue of <br />supply and demand; and that they should have an opportunity <br />to test the free enterprise system. <br /> <br />Staff was directed to recommend a procedure whereby the pro- <br />portion of Certificates of Convenience and Necessity outstanding <br />can be reviewed on the motion of Councilman Ward, seconded by <br />Councilman Brandt and unanimously (6-0) carried. CA 26.7 <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL FROM Mayor Garthe announced <br />DENIAL OF TAXICAB OPERATOR'S that this was the time <br />PERMIT - ALFRED C. HICKIN and place for the <br /> hearing of the appeal <br />of Alfred C. Hick&n of the Police Chief's denial of renewal <br />of his taxicab operator's permit. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 510 DECEMBER 8, 1975 <br /> <br /> <br />