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Chief Raymond Davis stated that appellant applied for renewal <br />of his operator's permit on August 29, 1975 and listed four <br />moving traffic violations in the past two years; that investi- <br />gation revealed that he had had seven moving violations in the <br />last 18 months; and that in compliance with Municipal Code <br />Section 38-22(5) and 38-22(6) Mr. Hickin's permit renewal was <br />denied. <br /> <br />Mr. Alfred C. Hickin, 1960 Lark Ellen, Fullerton, spoke in his <br />own behalf by stating that when he applied for the renewal that <br />he did not remember all the violations he had had; that he is <br />51 years old and it is difficult to change occupations; that <br />he supports his mother, his wife and three children; that he <br />felt that some of the tickets he received were because of <br />police harassment of taxi drivers; and that he needs the job. <br /> <br />Others speaking in Mr. Hickin's behalf were: <br /> <br />George Brazier, former manager of Blue-White Cab <br /> <br />Kathy Jo Patrick, 2056 S. Nalladay <br /> <br />Lauren Duvall, 1606 South Park Drive <br /> <br />Oscar Parkhurst, 511 East Washington, Apartment 102 <br /> <br />William Dawes, 1110 North Parton <br /> <br />The proponents stated that the applicant deserves another <br />chance; that the citations were for minor infractions; that <br />he has been employed by the same company for three years; and <br />that it would be fairer to place him on a year's probation to <br />enable him to continue to support his family. <br /> <br />Tliere were no other proponents or opponents and the hearing <br />was closed by the Mayor. <br /> <br />On the motion of Councilman Brandt, seconded by Councilman <br />Yamamoto, the decision of the Police Chief was upheld and the <br />appeal of Alfred C. Hickin for renewal of his taxicab operator's <br />permit was denied on a unanimous vote of 6-0. CA 26.3 <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />reconvened with the same <br /> <br /> At 9:15 p.m. Mayor <br /> Garthe declared a <br /> recess; at 9:23 p.m. <br /> the meeting was <br />Councilmen present. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING - VACATION <br />OF A PORTION OF,SIXTH STREET <br />BETWEEN ROSS & SANTA ANA BLVD. <br /> <br />vacation of a portion of Sixth <br />Santa Ana Boulevard. <br /> <br /> Mayor Garthe announced <br /> that this was the time <br /> and place for the <br /> public hearing of the <br />Street between Ross Street and <br /> <br />The Planning Director Charles Zimmerman stated that the aban- <br />donment was approved by the Planning Commission on October 14, <br />1975. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 511 DECEMBER 8, 1975 <br /> <br /> <br />