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Section 1008 (d) - opposed deletion of specific grounds <br />as cause for dismissal because "reasonable and suffi- <br />cient cause" is unfair and does not protect the employee; <br /> <br />Section 1008 (e) - opposed the application of "rules of <br />evidence" in Personnel Board hearings, and suggested <br />that Government Code Section 11515 shall apply, in the <br />interests of clarity; <br /> <br />Section 1008 (i) - opposed definition of reduction in <br />pay as not representing a demotion in the event that <br />a merit increase is denied because any pay cut is dis- <br />ciplinary action, and should entitle the employee to <br />a hearing; <br /> <br />Section 1009 Suggested that the provisions for layoffs <br />allow for too much personal discretion; and that candi- <br />dates for layoff be entitled to a leave of absence; <br /> <br />Section 1010 (e) <br />case law should be <br />regulation. <br /> <br />suggested that the Constitution and <br />the bases for any "strike" rule or <br /> <br />On the motion of Councilman Ward, seconded by Councilman Brandt, <br />and carried unanimously (7:0), the City Attorney was instructed <br />to prepare a resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors to <br />approve the consolidation of a Special City Election with the <br />November 2, 1976 statewide election for the purpose of present- <br />ing proposed amendments to the City Charter to the electorate. <br /> <br />Councilman Brandt's motion, seconded by Councilman Bricken, <br />that Councilmen each prepare a ballot indicating whether or not <br />they care to have each of the 48 proposed measures on the <br />ballot, this ballot to be filed with the Clerk of the Council <br />by July 12, 1976, thereafter tallied by the Clerk and the <br />results distributed to the Councilmen for discussion on July 27, <br />1976, carried unanimously (7:0). CA 129 <br /> CA 68 <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />At 9:10 P.M. Mayor <br />Garthe recessed the <br />meeting; the meeting <br />-reconvened at 9:20 P.M. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL NO. 565 Mayor Garthe announced <br />CUP 76-6 PACIFIC OUTDOOR .that this was the time <br />ADVERTISING - GRANTED and place for the public <br /> hearing of Appeal No. <br />365, filed by Pacific Outdoor Advertising Company, appealing <br />conditions of approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 76-6, <br />specifically the Public Works requirement for the dedication <br />of a street easement on Grand Avenue, a street easement on <br />Lyon Street, and an alley easement for alley corner cutoffs~ <br />all conditions of approval of the following: <br /> <br />NEGATIVE DECLARATION ~ CUP 76-6 - Filed by Santa <br />Fe Land Improvement Company to locate 5 bill- <br />boards at 1801 South Grand Avenue in the M 1 District. <br />APPROVED. <br /> <br />Public Works Director John Stevens stated that the City nor- <br />mally requires street dedications when variances or CUP's are <br />~equested at the time the development of the property occurs, <br />and he recommended that the Planning Commission decision be <br />upheld with the exception of the Lyon Street dedication. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 257 JULY 6, 1976 <br /> <br /> <br />