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Jay Kingry of Pacific Outdoor Advertising, 174 Narva Street, <br />Los Angeles, stated that the installation of two billboards <br />required no police or fire, sewer or other City services, and <br />that he felt that there was no reason for the dedication <br />requirement; that he has spent up to $900 for permits; and <br />that his company's use of the property for billboards is just <br />for an interim period, and subject to cancellation on 30 days <br />notice by the Santa Fe Land Development Company. <br /> <br />There being no further speakers, Mayor Garthe closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />The Negative Declaration was received and filed on the unani- <br />mously approved (7:0) motion of Councilman Evans, seconded by <br />Councilman Brandt. On the motion of Councilman Evans, seconded <br />by Councilman Brandt, and carried [5:2), with Councilmen Ward <br />and Bricken dissenting, the City Attorney was directed to pre- <br />pare a resolution granting Appeal No. 365 and approving Condi- <br />tional Use Permit No. 76-6 deleting the conditions 7 B (2) <br /> (b) and (c) requiring street and alley dedications. CA 15.4 <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING - ABANDONMENT OF Mayor Garthe announced <br />PORTIONS OF OLD GRAND that this was the time <br />P, ESOLUTION NO. 76-70 ADOPTED and place for the pub- <br /> ... <br /> lic hearing of the <br />Abandonment of portions of Old Grand between Joana Drive and <br />Santa Clara Avenue. <br /> <br />Deputy City Manager G. David Tayco stated that the Staff had <br />recommended the abandonment and it was approved by the Planning <br />Commission on May 24, 1976; that subsequently the City Council <br />adopted a Resolution of Intention to Abandon and set a public <br />hearing; that Grand Avenue is an 80' street and it has now <br />been classified as a 60' local street and the 10' strips are <br />not needed for street purposes; and that all utility companies <br />have been notified and indicate no need for utility easements. <br /> <br />On the unanimously carried (7:0) motion of Councilman Evans, <br />seconded by Councilman Brandt, the following resolution was <br />adopted: <br /> <br />R~SOLUTION NO. 76-70 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA VACATING PORTIONS <br />OF OLD GRAND STREET BETWEEN JOANA DRIVE AND SANTA <br />CLARA'AVENUE, FORMERLY CALLED GRAND AVENUE IN THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA. <br /> <br />CA 14 <br /> <br />WEED ABATEMENT HEARING <br />WARREN L. ROGERS <br />CONTINUED <br /> <br />for a continuance to August 2, 1976, <br />Evans, seconded by Councilman Brandt, <br />carried <br />lng. <br /> <br /> After being advised by <br /> Clerk of the Council <br /> Florence Malone that <br /> Mr. Rogers had asked <br /> the motion by Councilman <br /> to grant the continuance <br />with Mayor Garthe and Councilman Ortiz dissent- <br /> CA 11 <br /> <br />O~AL COMMUNICATION On the recommendation <br />ANNEXATION LITIGATION - TUSTIN of City Attorney Keith <br />NO APPEAL Gow, Councilman Evans <br />"' moved to discontinue <br />any further action in the matter of the Local Agency Forma- <br />tion Commission~- Tustin litigation relative to Tustin's <br />annexation of the Marine Corps Air Station (H). The motion <br />was seconded by Councilman Brandt, and carried unanimously <br /> C7:0). CA 139 <br /> CA 94 <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 258 JULY 6, 1976 <br /> <br /> <br />