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Attorney Araujo asked for a copy of the plans that have been <br />submitted to the City; he was advised by City Staff that the <br />plans are available to him and that every effort will be <br />made to answer any questions he might have concerning the property <br />and its development. <br /> <br />Planning Director Charles Zimmerman stated that the project is <br />not low-income; that there will be 90 units on 3.2 acres of a <br />density of 28.1 units per acre; that the General Plan designation <br />allows 40 units per acre; and that the variance procedure allows <br />the City to review more closely the development plans for the <br />property; that 1-1/2 spaces for each dwelling unit are provided <br />for parking; and that it is anticipated that the building permit <br />will be issued the latter part of the week ending May 6. <br /> <br />In answer to the question from Council, City Attorney Keith Gow <br />responded that a reconsideration can be made at the same meeting <br />as the original decision or at the following meeting; that Roberts <br />Rules of Order are the rules of procedure that the Council has <br />adopted; that Council may only reconsider the matter if it suspends <br />its rules. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken's motion, seconded by Councilman Ortiz, to <br />suspend the rules of procedure pertaining to reconsideration <br />failed to carry on a 3:3 vote, with Councilmen Brandt, Garthe <br />and Vice Mayor Ward dissenting. <br /> <br />On the unanimously approved 6:0 motion of Councilman Bricken, <br />seconded by Vice Mayor Ward, the Planning Department was in- <br />structed to set a public hearing by the Planning Commission for <br />the rezoning of the area bounded by First Street, Civic Center <br />Drive, Bristol and Shelton Streets based on the Special Study <br />of the corridor by Staff. CA 13.3a <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />with the <br /> <br /> At 8:25 P.M. Vice Mayor <br /> Ward recessed the meet- <br /> ing; at 8:30 P.M. the <br /> meeting was reconvened, <br />same Council members present. <br /> <br />EIR & SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Vice Mayor Ward announced <br />SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING PROJECT that this was the time and <br />APPROVED; ORDINANCE ORDERED place for the public hear- <br /> ing of the Environmental <br />Impact Report and plot plan, elevations and floor plans for the <br />proposed Specific Development Plan for Senior Citizens Housing <br />Project located between First and Third Streets, Ross and Van <br />Ness Streets. <br /> <br />Planning Director Charles Zimmerman stated that an ordinance was <br />adopted by Council redesignating the subject site as High Density <br />Residential and an SD (Specific Development) District on Decem- <br />ber 28, 1976; that the plot plan, elevations and floor plans are <br />now before Council for approval as the Specific Development Plan; <br />that the Planning Commission unanimously recommended the approval <br />of the Specific Development Plan following a public hearing held <br />on March 28, 1977. <br /> <br />The Clerk of the Council reported that no written communications <br />had been received; Vice Mayor Ward closed the public hearing after <br />determining that there were no speakers on the subject. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 149 MAY 2, 1977 <br /> <br /> <br />