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the rules of operation; and step increases should be pulled out <br />of the Budget and identified as negotiable items. <br /> <br />Mr. Spragg stated that all step increases are based on merit; <br />that step increases have never been a negotiated item; that they <br />are part of the pay system developed by this City and by almost <br />every city; and that it is wrong to change the system at this <br />point. CA 6SB; CA 50.1 <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />the same <br /> <br />Councilmen present. <br /> <br />At 11:00 A.M. a recess <br />was declared by Vice Mayor <br />Ward. The meeting recon- <br />vened at 11:20 A.M., with <br /> <br />POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL REVENUES The City Manager reviewed <br />CONTINGENCY FUND REDUCED BY the budget reductions: <br />$900,000 &BUDGBT BALANCED $2,410,000 from depart- <br /> ments, $1,200,000 from <br />salaries, net capital cut of $761,000 State surplus, after pay- <br />ment of new retirement rates, $1,600,000, for a total of <br />$S,971,000 toward a reduction goal of $?,600,000. He directed <br />Council's attention to his report in their packets regarding <br />potential additional revenues. <br /> <br />He further stated that the City would receive $2,632,500 of <br />State surplus funds; that approximately $900,000 of that, by <br />Council's action, will go to pay retirement costs for the year; <br />that the State money is based on the City maintaining the level <br />df police and fire services provided last year, on not granting <br />a cost of living increase to employees in excess of that <br />granted to State employees with the State saying there will <br />not be an increase, and maintaining a contingency fund that does <br />not exceed S per cent of the entire budget, excluding equip- <br />ment replacement. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken moved to reduce the Council Contingency Fund <br />by $900,000 (one half of the proposed amount, $1,800,000). Coun- <br />cilman Ortiz seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously 5:0. <br /> <br />The Vice Mayor noted that there is still a budget reduction need <br />of $800,000 with a potential income of $1,810,000. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken moved to leave the expenditure side of the <br />budget as it now stands and that any revenue adjustments in the <br />balancing process that exceed $800,000 be routed into unfunded <br />capital projects, subject to those unfunded capital projects <br />not being implemented for six months, at which time Staff was <br />instructed to report back to Council for approval of recommended <br />implementation. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Ward <br />and carried unanimously S:O. <br /> <br />The Vice Mayor announced that the budget balancing process was <br />completed for the formal public hearing on Monday, July 17. <br /> <br />The City Manager stated that the only remaining task on this <br />Agenda is to set some policy guidelines of how the City is going <br />to balance and meet the fiscal problems of the second, third <br />and fourth years that lie ahead. CA 6SB <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />272 JULY 1, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />