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For the record, Councilman Yamamoto stated that he was opposed <br />to the Agency renting space outside the City Hall, and to its <br />issuing bonds at this particular time when "everyone is pinching <br />pennies". CA 65B <br /> <br />BALANCING FUTURE BUDGETS Councilman Bricken stated <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS that there is still a lot <br /> of spade work to do before <br /> the Council can determine <br />how to deal with the question of growth control of the City's <br />costs. He complimented the City Manager's response of 3une 28 <br />to his own memo on the subject dated June 26, adding that he <br />hoped there would be some suggestions in terms of what Council <br />is going to do in future years. Vice Mayor Ward concurred, <br />stating that this year the City would receive about 2.5 million <br />dollars from the State, but next year it will probably be half <br />that amount. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken further stated that it may turn out that the <br />City will have more revenue than it should be spending in terms <br />of other considerations, and that Council should not be lured <br />by the siren call to spend the money because it is there. <br /> CA 65B <br /> <br />FREEZE ON AUTOMATIC STEP Councilman Bricken moved <br />INCREASES FOR EMPLOYEES to freeze all automatic <br />NOT APPROVED step increases until <br /> negotiations have been <br />completed and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the appro- <br />priate resolution. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Ward, <br />and it failed to carry 3:2, with Councilmen Brandt and Ortiz <br />dissenting. <br /> <br />During the discussion on the motion, the City Manager stated he <br />did not recommend approval and that the cost impact is approxi- <br />mately $105,000, and that the City's newer employees would be <br />the ones affected most. The City Attorney stated that it is <br />a meet and confer question, and could not be effected without <br />that process. Vice Mayor Ward stated that his intent is to have <br />the City stop spending money until the meet and confer process <br />is completed, and that the spirit of Proposition 13 is to hold <br />costs down. <br /> <br />The following persons spoke against the motion: <br /> <br />John O'Malley, Representative of the Santa Ana City.Employees <br /> Association <br /> <br />Mrs. Mickey Madden, 2319 N. Rosewood <br /> <br />Mrs. Charleen Hunter, 1119 N. Baker <br /> <br />Councilman Brandt stated that the negative impacts of the motion <br />far outweigh the benefits; that the City should work hard to <br />negotiate with the employees; that insurance can be changed, <br />retirement for future hires can be changed, and retirement for <br />existing employees can be changed if the program is similar. <br /> <br />Councilman Ortiz stated that employees who have proven they can <br />produce for the City deserve the step increases; and that they <br />have the right to expect the City to abide by its own rules in <br />effect when they accepted the job. <br /> <br />Councilman Bricken stated that there are no rules in private <br />employment that say what you give you cannot take away; that <br />the rules of the road change; if the taxpayer gave he can take <br />away; that when the circumstances change, you have to change <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />271 JULY 1, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />