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Council referred to Staff for report and recommendation a letter <br />dated August 4, 1978 from Clayton H. Parker, Attorney at Law, <br />representing the Governing Board of the Orange Unified School <br />District, transmitting a resolution finding that conditions of <br />overcrowding exist and requesting that future residential develop- <br />ments in those attendance areas require the payment of fees to <br />the District; on motion of Councilman Garthe, seconded by Coun- <br />cilman Ortiz, and carried 5:0 unanimously. CA 38 <br /> <br />PARKING FOR DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT Council referred to the <br />SOMBRERO STREET Redevelopment Agency a <br />REFERRED TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY letter received July 31, <br /> 1978 from Peter DeRocher, <br />President of Sombrero Street, Inc., requesting assistance in <br />securing parking for the Sombrero Street Restaurant located at <br />719 North Main Street, in the Redevelopment Area, on motion of <br />Councilman Ortiz, seconded by Councilman Garthe, and carried on <br />a 5:1 vote, with Councilman Yamamoto dissenting. CA 82.4 <br /> <br />PARAMEDIC MEDICAL CARE In order to allow addi- <br />ANNUAL REPORT tional time for Council <br />CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 5 to study the comprehen- <br /> sive report of the Ad <br />Hoc Paramedic Advisory Committee, dated August 7, 1978, Council <br />continued consideration of the report to September 5, 1978; on <br />motion of Councilman Garthe, seconded by Councilman Ward, and <br />carried 6:0 unanimously. CA 64.3 <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF CITIES - <br />1978-79 DUES ASSESSMENT <br />DIRECTED POLICY <br /> <br />seeking policy direction as <br />League of California Cities, <br />fiscal year 1978-79. <br /> <br />ORANGE:COUNTY Council considered the <br /> report dated July 28, <br /> 1978, prepared by Finance <br /> Director Larry Shaffer, <br /> to payment of dues assessed by the <br /> Orange County Division, for the <br /> <br />Council directed Staff to pay one-twenty-sixth (1/26) of the total <br />amount of dues paid by all Orange County cities and to forward a <br />letter of explanation with the payment; on motion of Councilman <br />Yamamoto, seconded by Mayor Evans, and carried 4:2, with <br />Councilmen Garthe and Ortiz dissenting. <br /> <br />A previous motion to pay the full amount of the dues assessed <br />made by Councilman Garthe, and seconded by Councilman Brandt, <br />failed to carry on a 2:4 vote, with Councilmen Ward, Yamamoto, <br />Ortiz and Mayor Evans dissenting. <br /> <br />Prior to voting on either motion, Councilmen Ward, Yamamoto, <br />Ortiz and Mayor Evans all expressed the opinion that the assess- <br />ment was excessive and there was a consensus that it was dis- <br />proportionate to the voting power of the City, which equals <br />that of smaller cities which pay substantially less dues. Coun- <br />cilman Brandt reminded Council that the League had recently held <br />a meeting to address the issue of proportional voting, but <br />that no representative of the City of Santa Ana ~ad shown up to <br />discuss the matter; as a member city, however, Santa Ana could <br />still propose a resolution in favor of proportional voting on <br />the floor of the State Convention in Anaheim in September, 1978. <br />Council directed Staff to prepare such a resolution for presenta- <br />tion to the League at the State Convention on motion of Council- <br />man Brandt, seconded by Councilman Ward, and carried 6:0 <br />unanimously. ~ CA 148.1 <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />348 AUGUST 21, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />